Chapter 45

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Yaretzi's pov 

I came back home to chaos Dylan was tied up and Dakota was running up and down while Chase was chasing after her trying to get her to dress up "Dakota get dressed and untie your sister this instant!" I yell and she immediately stops and gets her clothes from Chase then quickly gets dressed and immediately unties her sister, this girl is a menace Dakota is a problem like yeah she's smart but that's the problem she got Chase's smarts and she resembles Chase as well while Dylan is more quiet and reserved she's very intelligent and looks exactly like Dakota which means she to resembles Chase it's funny how I carried the kids but they look more like Chase than me

"Chase and Dakota clean this place up Dylan come with me we need to talk" I say in a stern voice and they nod there heads vigorously then start cleaning while Dylan follows me

"Yes Mom" she says in a quiet voice

"You need to stop letting your sister get the best of you you know" I tell her with a soft smile

"Yeah but Dakota doesn't listen to anyone but you I mean she doesn't even listen to Ma but there's this girl at school that always manages to shut Dakota up and she seems to like me" she sighs frustrated

"What you don't like her" I chuckle at my daughters behavior

"Honestly I'm not in the mood of relationship drama right now I just want to focus on my studies" I look at the tween in front of me and laugh so hard

"Your only twelve and you speak like an adult don't forget to have fun as you grow okay my love" I pat her head and kiss her forehead before walking into the living room and it's spotless I look at Chase and Dakota and they are sited on the couch watching tv I know for a fact Chase used her inhuman speed to finish cleaning

"Chase how are they supposed to learn if you do everything for them" I groan

"They are princesses mom would kill me if I let them do peasant work" she shrugs her shoulders

"We've been away from the castle for a week and the reason was to teach them house chores you will not be doing this again, girls pack your bags you're going to your auntie Victoria for two days I need to have a word with your Ma" they nod and head upstairs

"Now now baby I was only joking it won't happen again I'll personally teach them how to work" she says while moving back

"Victoria will be here in the next sixty seconds" I smile menacingly

"Why do you always have to solve things with violence" she whines

"Because you never listen to reason"

"Okay all packed what time does auntie Vicky get here" Dakota says excitedly

"I'm already here little one" Victoria says as she enters the house

"Auntie Vicky !!" The twins exclaim at the same time then run to hug her

"Hey what about me" my best friend fins hurt

"Uncle Gerardo!!" They hug him making me laugh

"Okay you guys have fun while I teach your Ma the importance of letting you grow" I say and the four of them exit the room. Gerardo and Victoria have one kid she's a year younger than the twins but they get along so well her names Lyra Thalos Talila Dager Reyes she's gorgeous her hair is as red as Victoria's but she has Gerardo's green almost grey eyes she looks innocent now but I can assure you she's as dominant as her mother which reminds me Dakota is a dominant sub from what I've seen and Dylan is plain dominant but let's get back to my little disrespectful sub

"Go to my special room and strip I should find you ready and waiting for me!" I command she nods her head and makes her way upstairs

Chase's pov

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