Chapter 25

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Yaretzi's pov

Aloise came running to me telling me to get to Chase's house immediately so I didn't question him and told my parents, Chase's original parents, Gerardo, Victoria, Alala, and Ameera to come along Aloise was already in the car waiting for us we took two SUVs and drove as fast as we could when we arrived at the house I rushed out the car and rung the door bell my guests eventually joined me in waiting I could feel Chase's fear they probably already hurt her am I to late I was brought out of my thoughts by the door opening

"Good evening Mr and Mrs Ross may we come in" my father spoke

"Of course Alpha" Mr Ross said and moved aside

We entered the house and I looked for Chase but her sent is upstairs

"Where are Chase and Tyler" Aloise asks

"Upstairs why do you ask?" Mrs Ross asks

"Oh sorry this is short notice but we'd love to have dinner with you tonight if that's not a problem and Yaretzi, Alala, Victoria and Ameera wanted to have a sleepover turns out Chase, Alala and Aloise are really good friends they met at school" my mom lies perfectly

"Of course they are she's mentioned them once or twice I'll call them down" Mrs Ross says then walks away

We hear her call for them so lovingly you wouldn't believe she abuse's my baby

After a few minutes Chase appears with Tyler right behind her. I waste no time and run to her I rap my arms around her and she hugs me tightly as if trying to tell me something I pull away and look into her eyes they hold fear and sadness what the hell did they do to my baby I pull her back into a hug them kiss her lips while everyone is watching "Mate" I say out loud for everyone to hear and she smiles at me so lovingly, why would anyone want to hurt her all she is is kind. I turn around and everyone is looking at me with amusement

"I wanted to wait till she was 18 but I just can't" I lie "don't you feel the bond to love" I ask Chase

"So that's what the tingly feeling and strange attraction to you was I guess I do feel it" she says with a soft smile

"I knew it!" My mother exclaims

"My baby found her mate" my dad says with a proud smile

"You go bestie now we can go on double dates mater of fact quadruple dates if you include my brother and sister" Gerardo say's excited

"Congratulations both of you" Tyler speaks with a genuine smile

"Yes let's celebrate I'll go get the whine" Mr Ross says

"And I'll start cooking" Mrs Ross says

"Will help!!" My Mom, the empress and Victoria say in sync and follow her to the kitchen

"The rest of you can sit and watch tv while you wait" Tyler says

"Will be right back I need to borrow Chase for a bit" I say


"MOM!" I yell as my checks heat up from embarrassment and everyone starts laughing

I drag chase up stairs to her room then make her seat on the bed after closing the door, "okay baby what's wrong" I ask worried

"Nothing you saved me and I'm great full"

"What do you mean saved you what did they do you look broken and afraid way to afraid" I speak

She hugs me and breaks down crying using my shoulder to muffle her cries 'i swear imma go down there and have them charged with treason I'll have there heads on our wall as trophies' Ares says and the thing is she's not playing she's actually trying to shift "there there baby I'm here I'm sorry I took to long do you wanna talk about it?" I ask and she shakes her head no ah shit I can't control Ares anymore "why not!!" Ares growls and Chase flinches Ares immediately realizes her mistake "I'm so so so so so sorry beautiful I didn't mean to scare you" Ares whimpers, Chase pulls away and Ares gives me control I look at the beauty Infront of me and wipe her tears

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