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It was game day. Xander was in the dressing room listening to the team talk. The team were all now changed into their game strip.

"Okay first game of the season. We want to get off to a winning start. Hopkins."

The brunette looked up.

"You're going to be key to the attack game tonight but we all know they're going to be over-marking you so you'll be doing a lot of running off the ball. Remember what we've been practicing on the dummy play. The rest of you. Let's get out there and show them how we play soccer."

The coach left the dressing room.

Sarah Jones stood up, she was the team captain. She'd played for Galaxy for the last five seasons. "Okay let's get ready to rumble!"

The team roared and stood up ready to enter the tunnel. They stood in a line against their opponent on the opposing team. Xander spotted Rose in the tunnel, she was playing goal for the visitors. They offered a smile, the keeper stared dead ahead.

As they walked out into the pitch Xander took a look at the seats where Casey and Dawn were sitting. The tannoy was announcing the starting line up and the crowds were cheering, but as they caught sight of the blonde, they felt a moment of calm. Then smiled as they noticed Dawn pointing and waving. Xander waved back and noticed Casey smile as she gave her the once over. Xander felt their tummy bubble as they thought about Casey checking them out. No Xander they said to themselves, don't go back there.

The game was fierce with both teams wanting to win their first game of the season but it was clear there was just more quality in the Galaxy team. Their dummy play worked and the team scored their first goal within the first ten minutes as the defenders crowded Xan. It didn't take long for the opposition to work out what was happening but by then they were two goals down and approaching half time. The whistle was seconds away and Xander knew that this would be the last play of the half, they moved the ball along the side line and looked up spotting Jonesy in the box and just onside. They sent a pass to the head of the captain. Three nil and half time.

As they walked back into the tunnel Xander looked at her guests. Casey was there with Dawn and two other young girls that she didn't know. She spotted the small blonde giving them a cheer and a thumbs up. With her ex partner giving her a smile.

"So who's the hot milf" Diane asked as they all sat down with their water bottles.

Xander smiled. "No idea who you mean."

"Casey Hollinger?" Jonesy piped up, "Xan's ex college roommate. Well, ex really."

"Aww trying to rekindle a romance Hopkins? I would she's hot." Petra the Scandinavian keeper grinned.

"Yeah, yeah. It just happens that it was her kid that I was mean too. So she had to come along."

"Aww shit Xan she married someone else." Diane giggled.

The coach entered the dressing room. "Decent?"
He shouted from the door. The group groaned in an affirmative and he entered. "Good first half. Keep it up. Jonesy amazing goal. And great play Hopkins. Right, let's see how many we can get them for. The keeper is good but her defense is a mess. So let's exploit that. Hopkins can you move to the center, that will confuse them for a bit."

They agreed on strategy and the second half went as planned with Galaxy taking another four goals to win the game 7-1. They were annoyed about not keeping the clean sheet.

Dawn, Casey and two others were waiting as the team exited the stadium. "Hurricane." Dawn shouted and Xander went over. There were a number of other fans waiting and they signed some tickets and took some pictures with them before reaching the small blonde girl.

They crouched down to their height, "did you enjoy that?"

"It was amazing. You were great." Dawn smiled.

"Yeah you were so good and you scored a goal and everything." Enthused one of the other girls standing with the group.

"Thank you."

"Do you want to come have dinner with us?" Dawn asked. "Mom it's okay if Xander comes too."

"Well that's up to Xander." She looked down, capturing the soccer player's jade stare. "We're all going for pizza."

Xander stood up, maintaining eye contact with the school teacher. "If that's okay with you, I'd love to."

"Excellent." Casey smiled.

Xander noticed the blonde smile and wondered why they had agreed. But as they found themselves looking at the blondes lips they knew that they were smitten all over again.

After dinner Casey dropped the two other girls off at the house of a woman Xander remembered as Casey's cousin Julie. They could make out a little of the conversation of the women.

"Xander." Dawn piped up from the back seat.


"Are you a lesbian?"

"Eh," they were surprised by the question.

"I mean do you like girls."

"I know what you mean."

"My mum and my aunt Julie are lesbians, I was just wondering if you were too."

"Yes, I am."

"That's okay then. I just wanted to check."



"Do you think my mommy's pretty."

Xander felt their heartbeat rise.

"What are you two talking about?" Casey smiled as she got back in the driver's seat and glanced at Xander looking flustered.

"I was asking Xander if she was a lesbian and if she thought you were pretty."

"You know that they are very personal questions to ask."

"I know. Sorry Xander."

"Also do you remember what we spoke about when I explained that Xander doesn't see themselves as a girl or a boy."


Xan sat in the passenger seat and felt nervous as the two blondes spoke about them like they weren't there.

"We'll try your best not to say her or she, you should use them or they,  okay sweetheart."

"Yes mom. Sorry Xander."

"It's okay. Thank you." they looked at Casey and smiled.

As Casey parked the car and they all exited. Xander moved around the vehicle to give Dawn a hug.

"Do you want to come in?" Casey smiled.

"Yeah you can read to me!" Dawn joined in.

Xander looked at the family in front of them and nodded, "yeah that would be nice."

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