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"So" Casey said as she placed her gloved hand in Xander's and intertwined their fingers. "What do you make of your moms situation?"

The soccer player smiled, "I'm more concerned about my sisters. I knew that my mom liked women. When I came out just after my Dad died. She told me that before she met my Dad that she'd dated a woman for a while. It was weird hearing her say that. I had always thought they wouldn't accept me, you know. But I feel like my Dad never really got to see the real me and I regret that I never told him."

"I'm not out. I think my mom wouldn't be bothered, she just believes in fate and destiny and if that's with a woman or a man or someone in transition she would only be concerned that they treat me right. I'm not sure it would meet with my Dads expectations though. Anyway so..." Casey's phone rang. She looked at the screen. "I'm going to take this."

She dropped Xander's hand and walked away. The brunette took the opportunity to gather a little snow on their hands, rolling it into a ball.

"Thank you and thanks for fitting me in before the Christmas break. Merry Christmas." The blonde hung up the phone before feeling a powder ball of snow burst against her shoulder. "Really, is that what we're doing now." She bent quickly to gather snow and make a ball. She felt Xander strike her with another. Some of the cold flakes found their way onto her neck and melted the freezing liquid dripping down under her jacket.

She chased the soccer player throwing misguided missiles as she ran. Xan was fast and she was never going to catch them. She looked up ahead as her roommate lost their footing and hit the ground. She laughed at the scene for a moment before hearing the brunette mumble and muffle out a groan. Casey dropped the snowball she was holding before running over to check on her partner. She kneeled down and leaned forward, "you okay?" Her face was full of concern.

"Yeah, sorry."

"You're okay, don't be sorry."

"But I am." Xan replied, smirking as they put a handful of snow down the inside of the blonde's jumper. While Casey was screaming and trying to shake it out. Xander escaped and stood a reasonable distance away laughing.

"I'm going to kill you." Casey lifted a lot of snow and run at the brunette who stood still.

"Go on then you're a lousy shot I'm sure I'll be fine."

Casey threw her amassed ball of snow and missed. Xander laughed as the blonde kept running anyway. Powering into the soccer player and knocking both of them to the ground. As the blonde straddled Xan, she piled handfuls of snow around them down the brunette front.

"Truce." Xander called.

"Truce." Casey said as she leaned down and kissed them. "That was the clinic on the phone."


"I'm clean."

"You never were anything else babe. That will help put your mind at ease."

"Yeah and we'll..."

"Ah I see, you can't wait to get a piece, is that what you're saying."

"You're impossible, do you know that?" The law student bit down on her bottom lip while held the brunette's green gaze.

Xander smirked, pulling Casey in for a kiss.

Just as the snow melted under the soccer player's body the blonde did into the kiss. If it was possible everytime Xander kissed her like this it felt more sensual than before. The kiss was not rushed the way the brunette's lips would tease her own, the slow motion of their tongue. Yeah Casey thought to herself as she felt her core throb I definitely want a piece.

The snow started to fall around and over them. They hadn't noticed when it started or when twilight had descended as they lost track of time making out in the snow. "We better get back."

Casey moved off of Xander's body and instantly felt the lack of heat. "Ohhh you were right about it being cold when the sun goes down."

"Yeah I don't want to stand up. I'm soaking."

Casey raised her eyebrows.

Xander laughed, "not in that way. Well yeah in that way but I mean my denims."

Casey laughed, "good to know." She pulled the brunette to their feet. She too acknowledged that she was wet and it wasn't her jeans. She'd never been so turned on from a make out session.

It didn't take long to walk back to the farmhouse. They hadn't actually walked that far. "We were about to send out a search party." Marilyn said. "Xan what have you been upto?" The mom enquired as she noticed that their daughter's jeans were wet.

If Xander's face was not already red from the heat of the house it would've been from their mothers question.

"Nevermind I can guess." She said as a shorter woman with short salt and pepper hair appeared beside her, placing her hand on Marilyn's shoulder.

"They're young, daft and in love, leave them be. Nice to see you again Xander."

"Mrs Watson."

"Jean, please. And you must be Casey."

"Nice to meet you." The blonde said almost timidly.

"Well I'll turn the oven down. Go get a bath and warm up. Your Christmas pajamas are on your bed. Casey dear Xan said to get you the same size as them.

"Do you fancy a bath? I'll run you one?" Xander asked.

"Would you join me?"

"Wow there's an offer." The brunette sat on the edge of their bed and looked at the floor. "No."

"Okay." Casey was puzzled as to why the brunette wouldn't be jumping at the chance.

"I usually never take my top off in front of people."

"What even when you're intimate?"


"What don't you like to identify as having breasts?"

The brunette gave out a grunted half laugh, "I wish it was that easy. No. I eh, remember when we met and you asked if I'd ever been with a guy. Well when I was around 12 one of the neighbors started taking an interest in me. Said I'd turned into a lovely ripe young woman and he would ogle and sometimes grope my breasts. I didn't know how to say to my parents I just said I didn't like him. One day he stopped when I was walking back from school with a friend. He offered both of us lift; I said no, she said yes because it was raining. I didn't want her to get in the car on her own. So I agreed, he dropped her home, drove to a private lane and raped me."

"Oh fuck babe." Casey sat on the bed beside her partner.

"I associated it with getting boobs that I didn't want anyway they just got in the way and now they'd caused this." Xander gulped. "I tried to cut them off. They're all stitched and scarred, they look horrific."

"I'm sure they don't but I'm happy if you want to leave your sports bra on." Casey didn't know what the right response to a confession like that would be.

"Look I'll run you a bath and I'll go grab a shower in the other room."

"It's okay, I'm happy with a shower." The blonde said, thinking that her response had definitely been the wrong one. "Which set is mine?"

"The pink ones I guess."

"You sure your mom won't mind us kicking about in our PJs."

"Not at all it's a Christmas Eve tradition. New pajamas."

Xander's tone still seemed a little off.

"Xan," Casey said as she opened the door to the Jack and Jill bathroom. "You know it doesn't change anything, I love you and I appreciate you sharing. I know you found it difficult."

Xander smiled. "I love you too."

Casey glowed that was the first time the soccer player had actually used the words.

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