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Xander didn't know if they should call or message. As they took the noodles and note back to their room. They checked the time and decided to call. Inputting the number, they took a deep breath and hit the dial icon.

"He...llo" Casey answered the unknown number.

"Hey, it's Xander. Sorry if it's too late to call."

"No, not at all, just let me go up to my room."

Xander could hear the blonde saying goodnight to people. The house sounded busy.

"Hi, that's me now."


There were a few moments of silence.



"I'm glad you called. I've been thinking about you all day. I think I know where you got the idea about me wanting a project, you heard us talking after economics. The group I was with, I told them..."

The brunette interrupted, "it's okay. I was being an ass. I get in my head sometimes and assume the worst, that way people can't let me down. But I think I knew you wouldn't. I jus didn't want to let anyone close. Especially you."

"Why? I mean why me?"

"Because, this is going to sound weird right but it's like I know you could have this hold over me. I'm not explaining it well. But it felt in that first week like I'd known you forever and that we were meant to meet. God. I sound like a weirdo."

"No. No you don't, I felt that way too." Casey lay back on her bed acknowledging that she had missed Xander's voice and how they would talk to each other.

"Anyway that scared me, and I found any excuse I could to tell myself that it was best I avoided you. So when I heard you all talking about how much you liked a project my head put that barrier right up."

"So. What you saying?"

"I guess, I'm saying sorry for being a child. I am usually so much more mature than this."

The blonde laughed, "now I am not sure that is completely accurate. You live on noodles and yogurt, have anime posters all over your room and I know you play games on your computer when you're pretending to be studying."

"Yeah well at least I don't spend my time watching reality love shows." The brunette laughed.

"I'm a sucker for romance. What can I say? I think every girl dreams of being swept off her feet and showered in sincere compliments and treated like a princess."

"Yeah. Do you not have that?"

"What with Hunter, no? His way of saying I look good is to say something like the way you look tonight's got me hard. Fancy a shag?"

"Oh. I'm sorry."

"Don't be. I'm thinking that love like that is reserved for the movies and fairytales. You know he's never once brought me flowers."

"Oh come on, that's poor. I even took my fuckbuddy flowers for her birthday." Xan shook her head. "Not that we're doing that anymore, it got weird."

"What she fell for you?"


"You fell for her?" Casey gulped.

"Well if you give me a minute I'll tell you." The soccer player laughed.

Casey could imagine their smirk down the line and wished they were looking at their face.

"We got too friendly. I like her as a friend and I don't sleep with friends."

"Ahh I see and she feels the same."

"Yeah it's good we've always been on the same page."

"Anyway, what did you buy her?"

"She likes Sunflowers so that's what she got."

"What would you buy me?"

Xander thought a moment and the answer came to them, "A mix of Lillies and Roses. Probably in white and pink."


"What am I way off?"

"No, you are accurately spot on. I love pink tiger Lilies and white roses."

"Good guess." Xander paused for a moment. "I was going to say when's your birthday. But I know." They laughed.

"Why are you not going home for thanksgiving?"

"Can't really afford it. I've been trying to save up, from the job but I had to decide. Christmas turkey or Thanksgiving turkey. So I picked Christmas."

"Aw, right." Casey hoped her response didn't seem like pity.

"We've never had very much. My Dad was a farmer, not by choice I don't think, much more by family pressure. The land had been in his family for years. So it was always hard work we'd all chip in and like this time of year was when he'd get paid for the crop and we'd have a few weeks of being well off before my mom would then remind us all that pretty much that was the money we'd live on for the year. So thanksgiving was always my favorite holiday as a kid. My Dad died almost six years ago and now mom has to find a wage out of the money too for someone to work the farm with her. And eh... I, I well it's just not the same without him."

"Xan, I'm sorry." Casey could tell the brunette was in tears. "I wish I could give you a hug."

"That would be good."

"You coming?"

"What at the idea of a hug from you... yeh and I'm close" the brunette joked

"Lame-o. You know what I mean. You going to come stay?"

"Is the invitation still good?"

"For you- always."

"I don't want to impose."

"You won't, you're my guest."

"Well I was thinking maybe come over on Thursday morning."

"Hey come Wednesday we're having the last pool party of the year. Then stay and I'll come back with you on Saturday."

"Is that not too much?"

"No trust me there will be loads of cleaning on Friday there's no way you're getting out of that."

Xander smiled, "thanks. I really do appreciate it and you."

Casey felt her heart beat a little faster. "I, eh am just going to get ready for bed."

"Aw, okay."

"I can give you a call back in five if you want?" The blonde hoped for a yes."

"I'd like that."

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