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"Hey, you must be Casey"

Casey looked at the confident strawberry blonde who was walking in the direction of Xander's room in only a pair of panties and one of the soccer players old T-shirts. She instantly felt hot, nauseous and she didn't like the feeling at all. "Yeah"

"I'm Holly. Not the best way to meet someone new I guess."

The roommate nodded and attempted a smile. But her gut was churning. Casey headed to her bedroom.

She'd finally decided to end things with Hunter last night after his refusal to wear a condom, then him taking it off so he ejaculated over her. She felt disgusting. She just wanted a shower and to talk to her mom she knew she'd need her help to explain to her Dad. She planned to meet her fiancé later to give him back his ring.

"What's going on with you and your roommate?" Holly asked as she climbed back into bed with Xander.

"What do you mean?"

"She looked so shocked to see me and a bit annoyed."

"You're the first person I've brought back here." The soccer player offered.

"Yeah it seemed more than that. We've been pretty honest with each other so far so..."

"So I was attracted to her, last week we got close to kissing a few times but she made it clear she's got a guy and not interested."

"Is that what this is about?" She indicated to the pair of them.

"No I am attracted to you, I wanted you. I still do." Xander pulled Holly into a kiss.

The strawberry blonde pulled away. "Look I might be poly but that doesn't mean I'm good with being a second choice."

"You're not."

Casey was sitting at the breakfast bar when the pair left Xander's room.

"We're just heading out the the game."

"Good. You got a start." Casey beamed as she looked at the brunette.

"Yeah. Do you want to come?"

Casey took a quick glance at Holly. "No soccers not really my thing."

"No worries. Well have a good day."

"You back for dinner."

Xander took a quick glance at Holly. "I don't know."

That is how the next week went. Xander and Holly spent a lot of time together. Sometimes at the flat sometimes at Hollys apartment.

Casey felt so alone. She was also starting to feel pretty unwell. She'd still not gotten to the point where she'd had the conversation with Hunter. She wished she had then she could stop feeling like she had to have sex with him. It had gotten really bad over the last week as she had what she thought was a small bleed or dark discharge between her periods which was unusual as she'd been on the pill for the last eighteen months. But it was really painful when they last had sex maybe he'd been rougher than usual. She zoned out most of the time. It was that boring. But as she stood up the cramp in her abdomen was agony.

Her body was almost bent over by the time she made it to the bathroom. The pain was so engulfing she wondered momentarily if she'd been pregnant and was now miscarrying. She all but collapsed in the bathroom as she screamed out to the empty apartment. It was Wednesday, she hoped Xander was coming home after practice.

She couldn't stand up, her phone was in her bedroom, she tried crawling but every move felt like she was tearing at her womb. The cramping was so overwhelming she wanted to cry but she couldn't. She thumped at the bathroom floor in frustration and anguish.

The torture almost too much to bear she felt like she was going to pass out. She heard the door, "Xan! In here."

The soccer playing could hear the distress in Casey's tone and rushed to her side, "fuck Case what happened."

"I don't know. I am in so much pain."

"You want me to call 911?"

Casey nodded her face contorted as another cramp twisted in her side. She heard Xander on the phone. They came back and sat by their side. "Can you move around a little, see if you can walk. I'll support you." The soccer player got the blonde to her feet.

Every move felt like Casey was pulling at something in her abdomen. It became overwhelming as she completed the fourth step with a scream.

"Oh babe." Xander's face was so full of concern. The law student had never seen them like this. "Put your arms around my neck," Xander beckoned.

Casey did as instructed and the brunette lifted her at the knees and moved her quickly onto her bed. As the blonde was softly placed on the blanket. She finally found tears to cry. "I want my mom." She moved her legs and curled up into the fetal position.

She noticed Xander on their phone. Her roommate explained that she'd just been messaging Holly to let her know they wouldn't make dinner tonight.

"You should go. I'll be okay. Paramedics are on their way."

"Do you really think I'd leave you. I'd drop everything if you needed me." The brunette looked sad, it was true though although Casey had made it clear the feelings were only one way, but Xander couldn't just switch them off.

"Even a start in the World Cup final." Casey tried to joke.

"Wellllll..." the brunette smiled.

"I've missed that."


"The way you smile for me." Casey sucked air through her teeth as the pain contorted in her stomach again it felt like her vagina was heavy and was tearing away from the rest of her body. 

The soccer player climbed in behind her and held her. "They'll not be long." They moved Casey's hair behind her ear and stroked her face gently.

Casey felt the heat from the embrace. "You know when you hug me I feel safe. Like nothing bad is ever going to happen."

Xander mused that she wished those words were said at another time for another reason. "Nothing bad is going to happen, not when I've got you."

"Xan I..."

There was a loud rattle on the door. The soccer player moved quickly to let the paramedics in. They stood in the living room to give Casey privacy.

"We're going to take her in for a scan and run some bloods." The younger of the two said.

"She is too sore to walk." The brunette was concerned they were going to make the blonde walk to the ambulance.

"We've given her some pain medication and my colleague is away to bring up and wheelchair.

About 5 minutes later Casey was strapped into a chair and was ready to head to the emergency room. "Can Xander come?"

"Sorry ma'am only immediate family only."

"She's my partner." The blonde sent a sleepy wink to the brunette.

"Okay I suppose." The older woman agreed. "Since you seem like such a well matched couple as she's obviously worried sick about you from the look on her face."

"They are the be..." with that the pain meds had hit the brain and Casey closed her eyes.

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