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Xander settled down on the occasional bed, which to the rest of the world was a chair in Casey's room that rolled out into a single futon type mattress.

"What are you doing there?" The blonde asked as she sat at her vanity table going through the stages of a nightly skin care regime.

"Just getting settled."

"Well you're not going to see the laptop from there, just get in my bed."

"Phew, now there's an offer." The brunette smirked as a cotton ball was sent their way. The soccer player stood up and tried to make their boxers stretch a little further down their muscular thighs. Before sitting on the edge of the bed. They knocked the laptop from the lockscreen. "Is this one of your stories?"

"Yeah." The blonde responded through a look in the mirror.

"Can I?" Xander searched for the blonde eyes in the reflection.

"Yeah I guess."

"Oooo spice." They started to read out the words from the screen. "Finally they were alone."

"Don't Xan" Casey reddened.

They continued aloud anyway, "The blonde felt thier heartbeat quicken and almost burst through her chest as he leaned in. Feeling the warmth of his breath heat her already rosy cheeks, her breathing increased in anticipation of the kiss. She subconsciously moistened her lips lightly with her tongue. Her eyes fixed the gaze from his dark orbs. He closed the distance between them. She felt their lips brush together so softly it was as if they were moving and air of electric passion in nanometers between them. She felt his tongue, lick along her bottom lip seeking permission, which she willingly gave and as their tongues danced together she felt her nipples stiffen the areola and the bud erect pressing against the cool cotton of her night dress. She could feel his member stiff against her." Xander looked over.

"Too cringe?"

"Too straight." The soccer player sent a smile back. "What's the story about anyway?"

"Well it's about the brother of a king in made up land tricks a servant girl into bed with him. The girl ends up pregnant and the brother denounces the pregnancy calling the woman a harlot and a liar, well anyway there is another sibling, a sister who in order to fight for their country is pretending to be a knight. They love the servant girl but they can't let anyone know. They watch as the girl ends up ostracized by the court and try to make it better by showing the girl affection and support. Eventually the girl lets the sister in but the king finds out and kills the servant."

Xander exhaled, "cheerful then. Do you have any scenes like that last one between the sister and the girl?"

Casey smiled. "Not written that far yet. Plus I don't really know how to write it. You know?"

"More than happy to be used for research purposes." The brunette smirked.

"Stop being a dick and budge up." The blonde said as she got into the bed. "So what do you want to watch?"

"Seriously though. Not about the research but surely hunt the cunt, has... you know?"

"Hunt the cunt, that's what you call him?"

"Yup! You know I think he's a complete tosser."

"No he doesn't like it." Casey answered the initial question. "Anyway it's not really any of your business."

"Sorry but seriously what's up with the bloke? There is nothing better in this world than tasting how wet a woman is for you, the smell, the feeling on your tongue."

Casey gulped, xander using those words, her body switched on.

"You know it's amazing. Then using your tongue to tease and pleasure them, bringing them to submission, feeling them jolt against your face."

Casey felt her clit throb. "I think maybe we should change the topic. Not sure it's really appropriate."

"Okay, sorry I was just presenting an alternative argument. So Netflix or..."

"Do you like scary stuff?"

"I'm not that easily scared."

"Moms been pestering me to watch an old ghost hunt series from the UK."

Xander sighed.

"It's got a lesbian presenter?"

"Oh okay now it seems more interesting. Is she hot?"

"Mom said she thinks she looks a bit like me. So you can make your own mind up."

"I plead the fifth."

Casey smiled while they shook their head at the brunette. "So will I put that on?"

"Mmmhmm" Xander settled back against the pillow.

Casey set the series up and moved the laptop closer as she also settled back. She could feel the heat from the brunette's body and it was doing nothing to curb those earlier sensations. She took a quick glance at the soccer player who was focussed on the screen.

"Ghost detectives UK?"

"Yeah. I know. Things like this were all the rage in the naughties."

"I guess. You sure she's a lesbian, even with all the fems now she still seems like not gay. Now she," the soccer player pointed at the camera operator on screen. "It's screaming out of them. That's what I'm planning to do with my hair, it's so frustrating at the moment but it shouldn't be long until I manage the top knot."

"I think that will suit you." The blonde smiled, "you know I think you look like the camera person so much more than I look like the presenter."

"Nah, your Mom's right you do look like Cassie. I mean she's obviously older than you but yeah I can see a resemblance. They're a couple ain't they?"


"The camera woman and the presenter. You can tell the way they look at each other."

"I think so. I don't think that they we're together long and they met while making the show. I think they did two seasons together before the presenter died."

"The presenter died? That's fucked up. What happened?"

"Well I googled and apparently she got killed in a car accident then when they were making the fifth season they did this episode where they apparently caught her ghost on screen along with the ghost of Alex the camera woman."

"What camera woman died too?"

"Yeah so that's the other reason my mum wanted to show me the show, she thought it might make a good gothic romance. So the story is that the two women took ages to actually get together. Then Alex."

"The camera woman is called Alex. That's my name, Alexandra." The soccer player looked at the camera woman. "Weird eh." They looked at the blonde, "You're taking the piss ain't you just trying to freak me out."

"No seriously."


They watched the show in almost silence. They were sneaking looks at each other and peppered small statements throughout.

"Do you believe that?" Casey asked. As they watched the camera woman and presenter being locked up for the night in a Scottish castle.

"It's weird because it's pretty much like the story from your book, without the sister part."

"Yeah I guess. The story came to me in a dream."

Xander smiled as they recalled the dream of being a knight saving Casey from Hunter's horrible hold. Maybe I'm the sister, they mused. They felt Casey's leg brush against theirs, their bare skin touching, they flinched with the electric shock it sent.

"Sorry" the blonde said, quickly moving her leg.

"It's okay." The soccer player smiled and held the blondes eyes for the fourth or fifth time today they felt like they wanted to make a move and kiss their roommate.

"Will we try get some sleep?"

"Yeah." Xander made moves to head back to their occasional bed on the floor. They felt Casey gently grip their shoulder. "Just stay here."

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