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The pair were laughing as they headed back into the flat. It turned out they liked a lot of similar foods. Xander carried most of the groceries back while Casey hunted the key from her purse.

"Do you want me to cook tonight?" The soccer player asked as they set the bags on the breakfast bar.

"Yeah that would be nice. Are you going to the freshers party later?"

"No. I don't think so. I don't really know anyone here yet so I'm thinking of maybe heading out to the team house and meeting some of the girls there."

"Cool. Well if you change your mind. You are welcome to join us." The blonde smiled.

They started figuring out where to put everything so they knew where it would be. "Dry foods." Xan suggested a cupboard which they loaded with rice, pasta, granola and tens of ramen cups.

They filled the fridge with yogurt, some fruit and a few veggies. They'd bought some chicken. "Do you like stir fry? I can make some chicken and veggies with noodles."

"Sounds amazing. Do you mind if I take a shower?"

"No not at all I'll have dinner ready in about 45?" Xander smiled hoping that she could impress the blonde with her culinary talent.

They set about slicing the chicken breast into strips and chopping onion, garlic, carrots and peppers. Picking out a few handfuls of spinach too and grated a little ginger, that Casey had actually picked up to put in some kind of herbal tea.

Before long they located the frying pan in a cupboard beside the hob and cooked the meat off with the garlic, onion and ginger while they boiled the kettle and set some dried noodles in a bowl with a veggie stock cube and added the hot water.

"Wow. If that tastes anything like it smells you might just be cooking every night." Casey shouted as she peeked into the living area only wrapped in a towel.

Xander smiled as they let her jade eyes absorb the sight before them feeling a warmth gather in their gut. "It will taste better. Won't be long if you want to go get dressed."

In the following minutes the veggies were added, so they kept a crunch and some light soy sauce was added and finally the spinach and noodles.

Xander put out bowls and started to serve up the food as Cassie appeared in a dress the color of sunset which was cut at an angle off the one shoulder. It hugged her slender body and stopped midway down her thighs.

"You look good." The brunette couldn't hide the fact that she'd just completely checked out her flat mate.

"Thanks." Casey moved her braid behind her ear. "Not as good as this looks though. Thank you."

"You might want to save the thanks until you've actually tasted it." They smirked as they pushed a bowl and fork over to the other side of the breakfast bar.

Casey lifted the food and cutlery and took it to sit on the sofa and Xander joined her. "Wow Xan this is amazing."

"Thank you. Only a few sprays of oil, so it's pretty good for you too."

"Thanks mom." Casey joked as she twisted the noodles around her fork. The conversation went quiet while they ate.

"What kind of stories do you write?"

"Like gothic romance but with a modern twist. My mom likes all the stuff like ghost hunters and all that so I grew up watching that but ghost stories don't have to be scary you know. If you think about some of the best known horror stories they really are love stories like Dracula and Frankenstein. So I try to write things like that. It also allows me to explore different aspects of my sexuality I guess. In words and ideas."

She was confident as she spoke. Xander listened and held Casey's eyes while she spoke. "So some are girl on girl is that what your saying?"

"Is that all you got from that?" The blonde giggled. "Yeah they might be."

"Are they risky and if they are, can I read them?"

Casey laughed and reddened. "I'm saying nothing."

"You don't have to say anything, your face says it all and now I definitely want to read them."

"I don't usually share them."


"Scared I guess."

"Well I'll be gentle with my critique." Xander smiled.

Casey looked into the brunette's green eyes. Deciding that they were stunning. "You have amazing eyes, anyone ever told you that."

"Thank you. No idea where they came from. My mom has brown eyes and my sister has blue ones. Not as nice as yours though, yours are almost like sapphire or something."

They looked at each other for a moment. Before the tension in the silence caused them both to laugh.

"Anyway Romeo." Casey smiled. "Thanks for dinner. My boyfriend is picking me up."

"Oh. Oh right." Xander looked away into their bowl and tried to hide their disappointment.

"Yeah he's a sophomore, so he's going to show me around a bit before the party."

"Cool. Cool.  I'll just tidy up a bit and head out myself." 

The door knocked and then opened. A tall, blonde muscular guy just walked in like he owned the place. He was wearing black denims and a UCLA t-shirt. Xander thought about the effort Casey had gone to, for her date to look like he'd just rolled out of a bed. 

"Hey Hunt." The blonde gave him a quick kiss on the lips. Before turning and making an introduction "This is my roommate Xander."

"Hi" he said.

"Hey." Xander replied as they lifted the used dishes over to the sink. Emptying the remnants into the food waste bin and rinsing them. They didn't want to hear whatever sweet nothings they appeared to be whispering to each other.

"Have a good evening Xan. Mind come find us later if you change your mind." 

"Yeah, thanks. Have a good time." They finished cleaning up and headed back to their room, lifting the campus' map . They worked out the best way to head over to the soccer house.

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