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Xander was busy behind the counter giving the coffee machine a wipe down and sorting the cups from the dishwasher, the morning rush was just finished at cafe express.

The soccer player was still reeling from the conversation with Casey the night before, the hurt had turned to anger overnight and they were glad they'd got out of the apartment before the blonde had gotten up this morning.

"Hi, sorry."

They heard a voice catch their attention and turned. It was the pretty girl who came in most Saturdays.

"Sorry miss. What can I get you?"

"Large black."

"Do you want the special filtered or a standard Americano?"

"Filtered is great, thanks. Holly" the strawberry blonde offered their name for the order.

"Thanks, but you're the only person in. No need for a name this morning. That will be $2.50."

The blonde smiled and reddened as they were caught giving the brunette the once over. Before handing over the exact money.

The barista smiled and raised their eyebrows. Nice hands and smile. "I'm Xander, if you want to take a seat I'll bring it over."

The blonde nodded and headed over to a table where they picked a seat that allowed her to watch the barista work. A few moments later Xander appeared with a coffee and a brownie. "There you go Holly. On the house." The soccer player winked as they sat the plated cake on the table.

"Thanks. I missed breakfast actually so."

"Can't have that. It's the most important meal of the day. Enjoy." They smiled and walked back to the empty counter to carry on looking like they were busy. They could feel the amber eyes of the warm blonde watch them work. Occasionally they would catch each other's eyes and smile.

Holly ordered another coffee about 90mins later. Again Xander brought it over. This time they sat down. "Your my last customer of the day. I've got to go to training in an hour but I wondered if you have any plans for later?"

The blonde smiled, "I'm glad you asked. I wanted to but I'd never have been brave enough. And eh no I don't have any plans this evening."

"Well I'm going to be at Campus 21 from about six if you fancy meeting up for a drink?"

"Yeah I'd like that." Holly smiled.

"Well I look forward to seeing you then." Xander gave the strawberry blonde a smile as they headed out of work and back to the apartment for their kit.

While back in their room they picked out some better clothes to put on after training. They wanted to make a decent impression. They left their room and headed into Casey who was just coming into the apartment with groceries.

"Hey what you doing tonight?" The brunette asked.

"Going to Hunter's for dinner and to watch a film."



"Just going for a few drinks after training and then I'll be back. I think I'll get a start in the first team tomorrow."

"That's good. I'll probably not be back."

"No worries." Xander walked through the door to the corridor. They couldn't believe that even after what they had told the blonde about their fiancé they were still seeing him.

Training went well and the coach confirmed that Xander would be starting; right midfield tomorrow. Dionne was to be benched. The winger didn't take it too hard. She actually wished Xander good luck for the game but also commented that she'd be doing everything to get her first team place back.

The soccer player was so excited as the team hit the pub they'd almost forgotten that a certain strawberry blonde was meeting them.

"Hey." Holly smiled. "What can I get you?"

"A coke please, I got the start I want to be on top form tomorrow." Xander smiled. Then turned their attention to the team. "Look guys, I'll catch you later."

Ainsley winked, "go get her tiger." The team all jeered.

"Sorry about that." Xander indicated to a table away from the group and Holly followed. In the few succeeding hours the pair laughed as the got to know each other.

"So yeah."

"I'm not sure I get it." Xander said, "so you're married to a bloke but you're relationship is like open?"

"Yeah we're both bi. He's got a male partner and I had a girlfriend until few months ago."

"So how long you been married?"

"Four years and a few months."

"You must have been young."

"Eighteen he's a few years older than me."

"So your what 22?"

"23 and you?"

"19. What age was your girlfriend?"

"She's just turned 24. We broke up because she moved to New Jersey after college for work."


"So you're husband like does he have to approve."

"No" Holly shook her head, "we're not all in a relationship with each other. I just know I can love more than one person. Each of the separate relationships have their own boundaries."

"Right." Xander looked confused. "I guess you can't do jealousy then."

"No trust me I can get jealous. Like with Rachel we had had a honesty to our relationship which meant that we wouldn't see other women. But she was aware of Ali and that he was my husband and I'd date and live with him at home or if he came to visit. But if Rachel was flirting with other women or they were flirting with her for sure I could get jealous."

"But Ali doesn't?"

"No. I can see someone else."

"Yeah I'm not sure, so what do you want from this?" The brunette asked as they finished their second Coke.

"Relax Xan this is a drink based on a mutual attraction the same as would be with anyone. It's not like we're going out or anything. I just tell people from the offset as I think it's better to be clear."

"Cool so like it's just like meeting anyone else but if it were to get serious or things developed we'd have to talk it through to see if it works."

"Just like any relationship they all have boundaries and rules. But we're nowhere near there yet."

"So if I were to suggest coming back to mine? Maybe get a pizza and watch a film."

"I'd say that sounds like a great idea." Holly winked, "even better if we just name it, yeah I want to come back to yours for sex."

Xander gulped. "And to think you said you were to shy to make the first move."

Holly laughed, "I've been coming into the cafe for the last month waiting for an in. You got there before me. I had talked myself out of asking."


"No one likes rejection."

"True. So don't worry about that. The intentions are clear and accepted. Back to mine it is." The brunette stood up and offered their hand.

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