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The orientation hall was huge. Busy with students signing in and getting their room details and information on their classes. Welcome to UCLA. It was chaos, queues a rabbled noise, some suitcases and bags abandoned with parents at the doors.

They stood in the queue and the letter they were holding had directed them too and waited and waited. It was almost as if Xander had seen it in the space between in the seconds it happened. They quickly moved their pumpkin spiced iced latte to the other hand before the girl in front backed into her.


The blonde turned. The coffee drinker was struck by the eyes that were now staring at her so blue. This girl was hot, she had a hoop in her nose, and her face was the most amazing shape. It was a little sharp in places but with a nice squared jawline and amazing lips. Her dirty blonde hair with one rainbow ribbon braid framed her gorgeous face. She was stunning. Xander found themself running their jade eyes over the blonde's body, they couldn't help it. The short fitted T on a tanned, toned body, with nice boobs. They looked like a typical surfer chick, god she's fit.

"You were saying?" The blonde asked, blushing a little from the strangers' obvious gaze.

"Em, you almost backed into me."

"Well, I'll need to try harder next time." The blonde winked and walked away. Leaving Xander grinning and following the blonde with their eyes.

"Name." The person behind the desk attracted their attention. "Xander Dawn Hopkins." They picked up their information. Wondering again why they decided Social Policy and Politics was a good mix alongside their Soccer scholarship and headed off looking for their room.

They had managed to talk their mom and sister out of coming along for the trip. Saying there goodbyes early this morning. They knew they were only a few hours away if needed but as Xander looked around they noticed that almost everyone else's seemed to be here with the oldies.

When they finally found the flat they knew they'd be sharing with one other they found they were second to arrive and they noticed that blonde from before standing with a group of girls. And someone who looked liked they may be her mother.

"So which one of you is lucky enough to be my roommate?" They said with a smirk. The surfer chick with the nose piercing and hot body stepped forward, "Casey Hollinger" please to meet you... again"

Pleased to meet you... againWhere stories live. Discover now