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"They're you are. Bug you want to bring through the lasagna?"

Xander moved Casey's chair back for her to sit down before going to the kitchen. They watched as Jean and her mother set about getting things together in the kitchen. It was full of little touches. They smiled as they noticed Jean put her hands on her mothers waist to move her slightly to lift a bottle of red.

"Xan, don't just stand there if you can take the lasagna through, you can come back for the bread."

The daughter did as she was instructed. When they got to the table. They whispered "you're right mom has a girlfriend she's just in denial."

"Told you" ally said with a smug grin.

"Xander, are you coming back for this bread?"

"Sorry mom. Just coming."

As the all settled for dinner. The plates got passed up to Marilyn who served the lasagna and the table then helped themselves to salad and bread to accompany the pasta. Jean poured out some of the red into Marilyn's glass and then her own. Xander offered wine to Casey who refused as the both filed their glasses with water.

"Thank Mrs, thanks Marilyn this is great thank you. Also thanks for the PJs.

"I'm glad you like them dear."

Ali felt like stirring the conversation a little, "Mom where is Jean sleeping the next few nights?"

"I was going to sleep on the sofa in the living room. I hope that is okay with everyone?" Jean replied not taking the bait.

"It'll get cold when the fire dies down. And trust me that sofa is not too comfy." Xander smirked. Then looked at their mom. "I seriously have no issue like if you want to take Ali's room she can sleep on the sofa."

"Piss off." Ali screwed her eyes up at her sister. "Just because you don't want me next door while your giving your girlfriend a good time."

Casey reddened on behalf of everyone at the table.

"Girls please. Sorry I mean children, behave. Ali watch your language at the table young lady."

Marilyn smiles over at Jean momentarily who is seated beside her, "and since you're all gossiping anyway. Jean if you want you can share with me."

After dinner they sat around the table playing some board games. Laughing and joking, it was a nice evening. It was almost 11 when the last game of trivial pursuit ended, xander chuffed that they'd won.

Casey helped Xander with the washing up. Ali disappeared up to her room to call her boyfriend and Jean and Marilyn sat close to each other on one of the sofas facing the fire.

A small lamp from the corner was the only additional light needed as the room was illuminated by the glow from the fire and the soft white lights of the Christmas tree.

"You want tea?" The soccer player asked from the kitchen.

"No just come and join us."

Casey and Xander sat on the opposite sofa and the blonde instinctively nuzzled into the brunette's side.

"You look good together." Jean said. "Got a nice chemistry. Are you together long?"

Xander smiled. "Officially what six hours or something like that. According to Casey's mom about 1000 years."

The blonde laughed. "Think we got our act together a few days ago, but I think we've been skirting around the idea since we met, well I know I have."

"Yeah. Me too. From that first wink. She almost made me spill coffee over myself and then she turned around. It was like an instant wow. Turns out the gods had ensured we were staying together. She's my roommate."

"You Jean? What's your story?" Casey asked.

"My wife died about five years ago. Been on my own since. It's good to have company." The woman gave Marilyn a soft loving gaze.

The younger couple looked on. It was clear Xander's mom and Jean had more than friendship feelings going on.

"Xan would you mind if I gave your mom the gift the homeless guy gave us."

The older women looked puzzled.

"No, I think that's a great idea." Casey stood up and took off at a jog upstairs. Returning a few moments later. "So it was clear that Xan and I really liked each other but I had spent a bit of time shutting them down. So I think you were scared." She directed the last statement to the soccer player.

"Yeah I don't think my wee heart could have taken it if you had rebuked me again."

Casey smiled, "I'm sorry."

"Hey we're here now. So anyway Casey got chatting to this old guy in vegas. He was sleeping out. Anyway, really weirdly he said that he'd met us before, in another lifetime."

"Yeah and my mom thinks we're some old tragic tv stars from a late 90s reality ghost series. But anyway regardless I'm pretty sure I've met my soulmate in your daughter Marilyn. They're anyway, to get to the point. The man in Vegas gave me this and told me to be brave."

She handed Jean the mistletoe. "You also look good together, happy and"

"And Mom no one will judge you for moving on. He's been gone a while and he'd want you to be happy." The brunette added as she stood up. "We're going to make some hot chocolate and head to bed."

As the young couple headed upstairs and out of sight. Marilyn turned to her companion, "Jean, do you think of me as more than a friend?"

"I don't think Marilyn I hope that maybe one day you'll feel it."

"I do. I'm just a little scared. It's been so long since I've been with anyone and people will judge us."

"People have judged me my entire life. And with regards to us they are already talking but it doesn't matter what they think. It only matters what we feel." Jean held the mistletoe over Marilyn's head and slowly moved in kissing her lips gently.

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