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Iceman's POV:

I'M NOT entirely sure if you're aware of this or not but it's very easy to get lost in music. The same goes for books. They're just so engaging that you loose track of everything and anything and redirect your attention on what's happening in that fictional world rather than what's happening in yours. Having explained that, I hope you'll understand my next point better.

Everything starts out as a usual day, right? Well if not everything does; this one certainly was. I'd woken up, had breakfast, made myself a pot of coffee (yes I drink a lot of coffee during my working day so don't judge me) and gotten dressed into my black dress uniform as standard. Nothing untoward there. If you hadn't already guessed, we're a military family who thrive off of organisation, laughter and chaos. Well I say all of those three, it's usually just the latter considering I'm married to Maverick who's unfortunately rather 'well known' in our line of work for being the most childish and annoying pilot willing to take on any risk under the sun. But aside from that, we're happy with two children; Jake and Flora. Like I say, it was a normal day and it was going fine.

However, I'd just logged onto my work call and had just started talking about my plans for the future and what my recent promotion to fleet admiral entailed when my husband walked past my home office door wearing a forest green Bambi towel and only that. I chuckled, presuming he couldn't find any of the normal adult towels so he'd had to resort to borrowing one of the kid's towels instead. It suited him but it was quite something to see a fully grown adult who usually hated Disney in a Bambi towel. He was also wearing his headphones meaning that he couldn't hear me. And as standard for Maverick, he was dancing to some unseen melody; really throwing some shapes and getting fully into it; his bare chest glistening with water, catching the sunlight which streamed in from the window. He really was quite something I had to admit. Then again, that was one of the main reasons why I'd fallen for him in the first place.

"Fleet admiral Kazanksy? Are you there? Is the signal breaking up? Hello?" The squadron commander and a numerous amount of other important individuals asked. My attention snapped back to my screen immediately realising that I'd been so still and hadn't spoken it looked like my screen had frozen.

"Oh um, yes, yes I'm here. Sorry, must be the wifi signal it's been rather awful today I must say. Terribly sorry gents and ladies! Where were we before it cut out?" I questioned. I silently cursed myself for getting distracted and fawning over my husband like a lovesick schoolgirl but I also put some of the blame on Maverick for distracting me with his sheer beauty.

"That's quite alright, it happens to the best of us." A commanding officer commented. I nodded.

"Indeed, it would seem so." I muttered.

"Anyway, where were we? Ah yes! You were just beginning your discussion on the near future Sir." Someone informed me.

"Yes of course! You're quite right! Anyway, like I was saying previously, the near future is drawing close ladies, and gentlemen." I stated, acknowledging everyone who had gathered on the zoom call. "Meaning, we need to prepare ourselves and update specific variables such as training. Now, my suggestion for this is-" I trailed off with a gasp, jaw hanging open.

Because Maverick had been so absorbed in his music (and therefore in a completely different world), he'd began to passionately dance and mime the lyrics which worked well for a while (or it did), until he attempted to twirl and point up to the sky almost like he was trying to become an 80's disco dancer or something. Now, I'm sure you've seen this coming (since I've already told you he was wearing only a towel). It fell and displayed everything. Maverick (of whom, was still blissfully unaware of what had just happened), was still dancing and silently 'singing' and stupidly I thought it couldn't get any worse but oh how I was terribly wrong! Jake and Flora came rushing in, their eyes surveying the situation before their mouths hung open: eyes wide with shock.

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