Chapter 1

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© I do not own anything that is written by MARVEL


The tesseract opened the portal into S.H.I.E.L.D's base, and engulfed itself around me, and faded away into a cloud of blue energy. I slowly found my balance and stood up straight, addressing the agents that surrounded me with their weapons drawn.

I sickly smiled and breathed out heavily. A man's booming voice shouted at me.

"Sir, please put down the spear!"

I stared down at my scepter, and fired, sending a blast of power at the agents around me. Gunshots were sprayed at me as I lunged, impaling one of the S.H.I.E.L.D agents firing at me with my scepter. I then threw two knives at the other shooters, bringing them down instantly, and fired my scepter at the woman working the computers.

More bullets were being deployed on me by more agents. I fired my scepter again at them and kicked an agent into the nearest wall, instantly breaking his spine.

My labored breathing was the only thing heard in the silence as I looked at the remaining survivors, waiting for them to make a move. They weren't in sight, hiding maybe. The room around me was a disaster, sparks flew left and right from broken electronics, pieces of the ceiling were hanging from wires dangerously swaying back and forth, and bodies littered the ground around me. The agent nearest to me cautiously got up to face me, and I grabbed his forearm, tightly.

"You have heart." I said to him. I touched my scepter to his chest and he let out a long, struggled breath as his eyes turned black and tendrils of blue snaked up his neck. His eyes then turned to a vibrant shade of blue and he looked me in the eye, his expression was calm and he was in my full command.

I let go and stood back, admiring my creation. He holstered his gun and stood up straight. I Turned to another man and placed my scepter to his chest, he responded the same as the other did, black to blue eyes, and blue tendrils up his throat. I noticed the man with the eyepatch attempting to sneak away with my tesseract out of the corner of my eye.

"Please don't." I said calmly. He stopped in his tracks.

"I still need that." I stated, he turned around.

"This doesn't have to get any messier." He said. I inwardly laughed.

"Of course it does, I've come too far for anything else." He turned around more.

"I am Loki of Asgard, and I am burdened with glorious purpose." I spoke. The old man who was on the floor checking on a dead agent turned to me.

"Loki, brother of Thor." He said wonderingly. I stared at him.

The eyepatched man spoke. "We have no quarrel with your people." He stated. I smirked.

"An ant has no quarrel with a boot." I replied. His expression turned.

"You planning to step on us?" He asked. I smiled.

"I come with glad tidings, of a world made free."

"Free from what?" He stared back at me.

"Freedom. Freedom is life's greatest lie. Once you accept that, in your heart," I turned swiftly at the old man speaking of me and Thor, and put my scepter to his chest. "You will know peace." I finished. The energy from the tesseract was building on the ceiling. The eyepatched man spoke again.

"Yeah, you say peace, I kinda think you mean the other thing." He glared at me.

The archer spoke this time. "Sir, Director Fury is stallling," he began walking. "This place is about to blow, drop a hundred feet of rock on us." The tesseract's energy was making noises. "He means to bury us." Said Barton.

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