5-Black Widow-6

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[The scene starts in an aircraft Melina is piloting and Alexei is waking up from being knocked out. Behind him, Ivanna, Emerald and Yelena are unconscious on the floor.]

People in the Great Hall glare at Melina only to receive a smirk.

'Melina Vostokoff': Request clearance for landing.

[A man speaks Russian on their radio.]

Alexei Shastakov: Melina?

'Melina Vostokoff': (In English) We're touching down in one minute.

Alexei Shastakov: Then why are we still going up?

'Melina Vostokoff': Now you'll know how Dreykov stayed above the radar all these years.

(Synchronised footsteps)

[Red Room.]

Dreykov: My God. Look at you. (Chuckles) So, uh, how was the family reunion?

'Melina Vostokoff': Oh, it was awful. They were clingy, and too emotional, and needy.

Emilia looks at Natasha offended.

Dreykov: (Chuckling) Just like old times, huh?

'Melina Vostokoff': Hmm.

Dreykov: Yelena Belova. What's the deal with her? She was the only one affected, right?

'Melina Vostokoff': As far as I know, yes.

Dreykov: These gasses and antidotes, it's a pain in my ass. It's a problem. You need to sort it.

"Who made the antidote?" asked Bruce.

"We're not sure my guess is that she's dead." said Yelena.

'Melina Vostokoff': Hmm. I have nine pigs that will require attending to in my absence.

Dreykov: Don't give a shit about your pigs. Cut her brain out... Hmm? Identify the weakness.

[The scene changes to a bored looking Yelena with sharpie outlines on her head.]

Yelena Belova: This is a much less cool way to die.

[The scene switches to Ivanna, Emerald and Alexei is kicking the glass trying to get out.]

"That's not going to help" said Emerald.

'Emerald Romanoff': Alexei.

[Alexei just pants, scene switches back to Melina and Dreykov.]

'Melina Vostokoff': What about Romanoff?

Dreykov: She's a traitor. She turned her back on her people. On her blood. She had nothing. I gave her home. I gave her love. Put that thing in her you do. You know, uh, chemicals. Turn her into one of your pigs, Ivanna too. Can you imagine what I could do with two Avengers under my control?

"Arsehole" muttered Clint.

'Melina Vostokoff': Wouldn't you like to speak to Emerald first?

Dreykov: When you look into the eyes of a child you have raised, no mask in the world can hide that.

[Dreykov reaches for Melina's face. She stops him at first but then lets him take off her mask, revealing that it was Emerald posing as Melina. Taskmaster raises his gun at Natasha, Dreykov stops him.]

Clint sighs in relief seeing Dreykov stop Taskmaster knowing Emerald wouldn't be able to fight him.

Dreykov: Welcome home. Now, now. Don't go breaking my new toy.

Emerald Romanoff | HP x MCUDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora