5-Black Widow-5

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[Pigs are snorting as Melina watches them and direct the pigs where to go.]

"Why are you there?" asked Emerald.

"I'm not able to do field missions anymore, I few years ago I got injured causing my left leg not to work right, Dreykov decided that because I'm good at science" said Melina.

Melina Vostokoff: Slight right. Straight on. Right. Slight right. Oh, very good, my darling.

[a pig snorts, the pig is named Alexei.]

"It's Alexei" called out Yelena getting confused looks from everyone.

Melina Vostokoff: Yes, very good, my darling.

[Melina's tablet beeps meaning someone is close by. She starts telling the pigs where to go.]

Melina Vostokoff: Back home where it's safe. Come on. Go on.

[Melina grabs a gun and looks through the scope, she sees, Emerald, Ivanna, Alexei and Yelena, Melina sighs and lets her gun down.]

Alexei Shastakov: Honey, we're home. Come on girls

[The group walks into Melina's house.]

Melina Vostokoff: Welcome to my humble abode. Make yourselves at home, lets have a drink.

Emerald Romanoff: No funny business.

Melina Vostokoff: I'm putting away my weapon.

[Ivanna and Yelena sigh and sit down at the table drinking a shot of vodka.]

Emerald Romanoff: Any boobytraps around here that we should know about?

Melina Vostokoff: I didn't raise my girls to fall into traps.

Emerald Romanoff: You didn't raise us, you didn't raise us at all.

"That's true" Lily muttered under her breath in anger.

Emerald heard and sent her scathing glare. She was confused Lily was so kind what was happening to her?

Melina Vostokoff: Oh, maybe so but if you got soft it wasn't on my watch.

[The scene changes to Alexei trying to put on his Red Guardian costume, the ladies are sitting looking bored when Melina suggests a drink.]

People snort at that scene.

Melina Vostokoff: Lets drink.

[Melina pours shots into everyone glasses.]

[Alexei walks out in the Red Guardian suit. Ivanna spits out her Vodka in shock.]

Ivanna Petrova: What is that suit? It's more ridiculous than Capsical suit and his is stupid.

People laugh at Ivanna's reaction.

[Melina wolf whistles, Yelena rolled her eyes and a drank her shot.]

Yelena Belova: Oh my God.

Melina Vostokoff: I never washed it not once. Come and drink.

People look disgusted.

[Ivanna looks disgusted.]

Alexei Shastakov: (Singing) Rise, you workers of salvation. [Scatting.] Family back together again. Mmm. With some additions.

Melina Vostokoff: Seeing as the family constructs only lasted three years each and were just calculated ruses, I don't think we can use that term anymore can we?

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