5-Black Widow-4

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[The two walk into a shop, Yelena and Emerald are talking.]

Emerald Romanoff: The Red Room's still active, where is it?

Yelena Belova: I have no idea, he moves location constantly and all Widows are sedated upon entry and exit for maximum security.

"That's actually smart" said Tony.

Emerald Romanoff: I'm just finding it hard to believe he could stay off my radar.

"Emmy, I love you, I really do but it's a smart choice when you think about it." said Clint.

Yelena Belova: It's not smart to attack an Avenger, I mean the clue is in the name, Dreykov kills you one of the big ones comes to Avenge you.

Emerald Romanoff: Wait, what are the big ones?

Yelena Belova: Well I doubt the God from space has to take an Ibuprofen after a fight. Where did you think I was after all this time?

"A what in the what now?" asked Thor.

"Don't worry about it Goldie locks" said Emerald.

Emerald Romanoff: I thought you got out and were living a normal life, you and Gracie.

Yelena Belova: (scoffs) And you just never made contact again?

Ivanna Pertova: Honestly we thought you didn't want to see us.

Yelena Belova: Bullshit you just didn't want your baby sister to tag along, whilst you saved the world with the cool kids. Who's the kid?

Natasha Romanoff: You weren't really my sister.

"Jeez, you Widows know how to be coldhearted" said Wanda.

"It's a defence mechanism for us" said Natasha.

Yelena Belova: And the Avengers aren't really your family.

"Hey" the Avengers called in sync.

Ivanna Petrova: One Avenger is most certainly Emmy's family.

Emerald Romanoff: I will kill you if you say another word.

"That would be fun to watch" said Crystal, her brothers looked at her oddly, she just shrugged.

Ivanna Petrova: Now I want to say more.

Yelena Belova: Okay? Why do you always do that thing?

Emerald Romanoff: What thing?

Yelena Belova: That thing you two do when you're both fighting. The... Like, the... This thing that you do when you whip your hair when you're fighting with the arm and the hair. And you do, like, a fighting pose. [Laughs.] It's a... [Laughs.] It's a fighting pose. You're total posers.

"You know, you're all posers" said Clint realising.

Emerald Romanoff and Ivanna Petrova: We're not posers.

Yelena Belova: Oh, come on. They're great poses, but it does look like you two think everyone's looking at you, like, all the time.

"Well everyone kind of is" said Tony.

Emerald Romanoff: Yeah, well all that time we spent posing we were actually trying to do some good.

Ivanna Petrova: To make up for all the pain and suffering that we caused. Trying to be more than just a trained killer.

Ivanna and Emerald shared sad looks.

Yelena Belova: Well then you're both fooling yourself because pain and suffering is every day and we're all still a trained killer. Except we're not the one that's on the cover of a magazine. We're not the killers that little girls call their hero.

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