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[Somewhere in Siberia, Zemo makes a phone call.]

German Innkeeper: Guten Morgen, Zimmerservice? (Good morning. Room service.)

Helmut Zemo: Guten Morgen Frau Leiber. Zimmer 201 hier (Good morning, Mrs. Leiber. [subtitled] This is room 201.)

German Innkeeper: Ah, Herr Müller. Speck und schwarzer Kaffee für Sie, ja? (Ah, Mr. Müller. [subtitled] Bacon and black coffee again today?)

Helmut Zemo: Wie gut Sie mich kennen. ([subtitled] You know me so well.)[In his room in Berlin, Germany.]

German Innkeeper: Hallo? Ihr Frühstück ist hier. Darf ich mich reinlassen? Herr Müller? Herr Müller? Oh mein Gott! ([subtitled] Hello? Your breakfast is here. May I let myself in? Mr Müller? Mr Müller? Oh God!)

[She comes in and discovers the dead body of Dr. Theo Broussard in the bathtub.]

The younger students turn away and cover their eyes.

[Steve flies the Quinjet towards mountains, Bucky sits behind him.]

Bucky Barnes: What's gonna happen to your friends?

Steve Rogers: [Steve stares ahead, heavyhearted. He sighs and shakes his head.] Whatever it is... I'll deal with it.

Bucky Barnes: [He looks thoughtful.] I don't know if I'm worth all this, Steve.

Steve Rogers: [He glances around at Bucky.] What you did all those years . . . it wasn't you. You didn't have a choice.

Bucky Barnes: I know. But I did it.

"I know the feeling" said Emerald and Ivanna with Clint quietly nodding in agreement.

[At a hospital Rhodes lies inside an CT-scanner. He's in a blue gown covering his body. Tony paces up to Vision who watches Rhodes grave faced.]

Tony Stark: How did this happen?

Vision: I became distracted.

Tony Stark: I didn't think that was possible.

Vision: Neither did I. 

[Tony leaves Vision looking in on Rhodes. Along the corridor Tony spots an equally concerned Emerald.]

[Tony and Emerald stand on a balcony looking towards a row of trees.]

Tony Stark: The doctors say he shattered L4 through S1. Extreme laceration in the spinal cord. Probably looking at some form of paralysis.

Emerald Romanoff: Steve's not gonna stop. If you don't either, Rhodey's gonna be the best case scenario.

Tony Stark: You let them go, Emerald.

Emerald Romanoff: We played this wrong.

Tony Stark: 'We'? Boy, it must be hard to shake the whole double agent thing, huh? It sticks in the DNA.

Emerald raised an eyebrow. Tony moved away from the angry assassin very quickly. Emerald launched herself at him only for her waist to be caught by Clint.

Emerald Romanoff: Are you incapable of letting go of your ego for one goddamn second?

"You know I think he is" said Crystal.

Tony Stark: T'Challa told Ross what you did, so . . . they're coming for you and Ivanna.

Emerald Romanoff: I'm not the one that needs to watch their back. [She walks away but turns around.] Oh hey Tones can you burn those papers for me? I'm not gonna need them now.

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