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Nick Fury: We have no quarrel with your people.

Loki: An ant had no quarrel with a boot.

"Does he plan on stepping on you?" asked Matilda, a Ravenclaw in Harry's year.

"By the sounds of it" said Tony.

Nick Fury: You planning to step on us?

Matilda blushed slightly as her friends teased her, Luna was her only friend who didn't.

"Stop teasing Tilly" said Luna and they did.

Matilda smiled at Luna.

Loki: I come with glad tidings, of a world made free.

Nick Fury: Free from what?

Loki: Freedom. Freedom is life's great lie. Once you accept that, in your heart...

Everyone rolled their eyes.

Loki turns to face Selvig who's standing behind him and places his spear against Selvig's heart. Selvig's eyes glow black.

Everyone's eyes widen.

"How many people does he control?" asked Hermione

"A lot, we're not sure how many" said Tony.

"And Barton, Romanoff, Hill and Fury won't say anything" said Steve.

Loki: You will know peace

Loki turns to face Fury

Nick Fury: Yeah you say peace I kind of think you mean the other thing.

Everyone was too infested in the movie to say anything.

The Tesseract cloud is building and getting worse, Barton looks up and walks over to Loki.

Clint Barton: Sir, director Fury is stalling. This place is about to blow. Drop a hundred feet of rock on us. (looks at Fury) He means to bury us.

Some nodded thinking that is a good plan other's were appalled.

Nick Fury: Like the Pharaoh's of Old

Emerald glared at Fury onscreen 'he was going to allow Clint to get buried?' she thought in anger.

Clint gripped her hand as a sign that he wasn't buried.

Emerald nodded in response.

Erik Selvig is typing on a computer

Erik Selvig: He's right The portal is collapsing in on itself. We've got about 2 minutes before this goes critical

Loki looks at Clint

Loki: Well then

Clint without hesitation shoots Fury and grabs the Tesseract case and walks out with other controlled SHIELD personal

Everyone froze.

"Daisy come away" demanded Lily

Clint flinched.

Emerald glared at Lily and turned to Clint who buried his head in Emerald's shoulder.

Clint Barton: (pointing to the ute's) I need these vehicles

Maria Hill looks around her radio crackling she see Barton and Loki and the other personal

Maria Hill: (confused) Who's that?

Emerald Romanoff | HP x MCUWhere stories live. Discover now