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The two battle. Tony grasps Thor, elbowing him and SMASHING him into the side of a mountain. Thor jumps off the mountain and takes Tony with him.

"Oh my god" said Emerald.


[Thor and Iron Man crash right back down, smashing down every tree possible. Iron Man YANKS Thor right up. Thor grabs both HANDS BOOSTERS and begins to CRUSH them. Tony quickly CHARGES as much energy as he can and SHOOTS ENERGY in Thor's face. Thor FALLS back, losing his stance. Iron Man HEADBUTTS Thor, with his gold-titanium alloy helmet. Thor headbutts Iron Man and sends him across the forest. Iron Man boosters up and flies back at Thor, grabbing him by the arm and cape and SWINGS him into another tree. Thor looks up, ready. Thor runs with all his patience out the window. Iron Man SWINGS and MISSES, giving Thor the momentum to grab him, lift him and SMASH him down hard. Thor summons back Mjölnir to his hand. Just as he's about to put the hammer down, Iron Man uses his HAND BOOSTERS to SKID across the ground and trip Thor over. Standing up, Thor looks for him, but from behind him, Iron Man CRASHES into his back. Thor stands facing Iron Man. Ready to pounce... Captain America's shield RICOCHETS off a tree between Thor and Iron Man, stopping them. They look up and see Captain America standing on top of a fallen tree with the shield back in hand.]

"Thank you Steve" said Emerald.

"Your welcome?" asked Steve.

"For stopping Tony and Thor fighting" said Emerald.

Steve nodded.

Steve Rogers: Hey! That's enough! (comes down; looks at Thor) Now, I don't know what you plan on doing here.

Thor: I've come here to put an end to Loki's schemes!

"You could've done a little better" said Emerald.

Steve Rogers: Then prove it! Put the hammer down.

"Shouldn't have done that" said Tony still slightly annoyed about it.

Iron Man: Um, yeah, no! Bad call! He loves his hammer!

"I do, I really do" said Thor.

[Thor backhands Tony into a tree, losing all patience raises the hammer.]

Thor: [to Cap] You want me to put the hammer down?

"Yes" said Lily.

Thor leaps up raising the hammer, Steve raises it above his head, Mjolnir comes crashing into the Vibranium shield causing a shockwave

"Woah" breathed a lot of students.

Steve Rogers: Are we done here?

Thor, Steve and Tony stand there in silence, Thor looks around.

Some laughed at that.


[DOZENS of SHIELD POLICE escort Loki, who is in handcuffs, smiling. As they pass the HELICARRIER LAB, Banner stops working on the CHITAURI SCEPTER and looks up. Loki eyes him as he walks, nodding and smiling. BANNER rubs his head as if with a headache.]

Luna looked wondering if it had something to do with the scepter.


Loki is now free from his cuffs and is contained in a LARGE GLASS CELL held by HYDRAULIC RIGS. Fury walks up the control panel of the cell.

Emerald Romanoff | HP x MCUWhere stories live. Discover now