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"Coochy, coochy, coo." Harry says as he rubs Ben's chin with his hook. Ben is tied to the mast of Uma's ship, "How does it feel to be king now, eh?"

"Give it a rest, Harry. Give it a rest. We don't want damaged goods." Uma says as she walks over.

"You said that I could hook him." Harry argues as he hangs on the ropes.

"I said at noon." Uma tells him.

"How do you think Marley is going to feel when she finds out about this. I know you two are best friends, she talks about you a lot." Ben asks looking at Harry, who has a flash of guilt appear in his eyes before a hard look covers it.

"Sunshine understands what I have to do." Harry says coldly, "20 more minutes." He holds a pocket watch in front of Ben's face.

"That says 11:30." Ben tells Harry.

"You better hope your girlfriend comes through." Uma tells Ben. Truth be told she doesn't really have an issue with Marley. They both have always tried to get along for the sake of Harry.

"Well she's not my girlfriend anymore." Ben says as he looks down, Uma lets out a chuckle.

"Leave us alone, Harry." Uma orders.

"19 minutes to go now." Harry says as he gets in Ben's face.

"Go." Uma orders again.

"I get that you don't deserve this." Ben tells Uma causing her to laugh.

"This? This island is a prison, thanks to your father. And don't pretend to look out of me. Because no one's looking out for me. It's just me." Uma explains before messing with her hair.

"So this isn't your mom's plan? Isn't that her necklace?" Ben asks.

"My mom doesn't care about me, either. Well, not unless she needs someone for the night shift." Uma tells him.

"Ouch." Ben says.

"I don't need your pity." Uma says.

"No you certainly don't. You're very resourceful. I don't see you tied up." Ben retorts.

"All right. So let's trash talk Mal." Uma says with a smirk as she stands in front of Ben.

"I'd rather talk about you." Ben tells her not wanting to talk badly about Mal, not that there was anything bad he could say about her. Even though they weren't together anymore, he still loved her.

"Mm. Funny and a gentleman. I really hope I don't have to feed you to the fishes." Uma says as she turns away from him.

"Well, you don't. Set me free, and we'll go back together." Ben tries.

"Oh, so now I get an invite?" Uma asks as she turns back to face him, "Gee, I wonder why. When you and your brother brought the twins, Evie, Jay and Carlos to Auradon, that's as mad as I've ever been in my life. And trust me, I've been plenty mad."

"I never thought of it like that before. That we could've hurt the people we didn't pick. The plan was to start with five kids and bring more people over. I guess we were so busy being King and Royal Advisor. That sounds lame. I'm so sorry." Ben says as he comes to realization, "You're a leader, Uma. So am I. Come to Auradon and be part of the solution."

"Me? Part of your solution?" Uma questions and Ben nods, "Nah. I don't think so. I don't need you. I'm gonna get there on my own. Harry! Let's see what this puppy can do." Uma says as she holds up her mom's necklace with a smirk on her face.

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