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"Jay. Keys, remote." Luke says as he tosses them to Jay as they go down the stairs to the limo.

"Wait! Something's wrong." Evie says before pulling Ben's beanie down, "There."

"Shotgun!" Dude calls.

"No, Dude. Stay. The Isle is way too dangerous." Carlos orders Dude while Evie, Ben, Luke, and Jay look at him shocked, while Marley looks at him with wide eyes forgetting he can now talk.

"Did he just..." Jay and Luke start to ask.

"Talk? Yeah. I know. Tell you later." Carlos tells them.

"Let's go." Ben says.

"Okay, once we cross the bridge, park under the pier in the old garage. Got it?" Evie tells Jay as he drives off.

"Got it." Jay says. They  cross over to the Isle of the Lost.

"Ben, Luke, help me with the tarp." Carlos says as they get out of the limo. They bring the  tarp over before tossing a side to Jay, Marley, and Evie.

"It's really weird being back here." Evie and Marley says as Jay fixes the tarp.

"We'll get in and get out." Jay tells them as Carlos, and Luke bring a second trap over to cover the other half of the limo, while Ben walks over to a tunnel.

"Hey, what's in here?" Ben asks.

"Ben!" Carlos says as he pulls Ben away.

"You don't want to know." Jay answers Ben.

"Hey guys. Keep it chill, alright? The last thing we need is our parents figuring out we're here." Carlos says before Marley, Evie, and Jay nod in agreement.

"Hey!" Evie says as a kid runs into her, "Hey! Stop." Another kid grabs her wallet before she grabs both of them. Evie looks at their sad faces, "Just take it. Go on." Evie turns to Marley and the boys to find Ben not there, "Ugh, Ben."

Ben walks over to a pirate leaning against a post. He holds his hand out to shake but the pirate growls at him.

"Ben, stop. Just stop." Marley says as Luke and her pull him away from the pirate.

"Hey, man!" Carlos says as he and Jay stand up to the pirate, who walks off.

"Why?" Ben asks Marley as Luke sighs ans shakes his head at his brother.

"This isn't a parade. It's the Isle." Evie answers him.

"Keep your hands in your pockets unless you're stealing." Jay explains to the brothers.

"You either slouch or strut." Carlos adds.

"And never, ever smile." Evie also adds.

"Okay, thank y..." Ben starts.

"No! No 'thank you's' and drop the 'please' too." Marley tells Ben, "Just....chill." Marley says before she starts singing.

"Let me tell you something you can really trust
Everybody's got a wicked side
I know you think that you could never be like us
Watch and learn so you can get it right." 

"You need to drag your feet

You need to nod your head
You need to lean back

Slip through the cracks
You need to not care." Marley, Jay, Evie, and Carlos sing as they dance.

"Uh, you need to not stare." Evie sings as she turns Ben and Luke's faces.

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