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"If you guys never would have brought him here, this never would have happened." Mal says after being filled in, "What were you thinking?"

"He was gonna come with or without us. We just wanted to protect him." Evie tells her.

"Yeah, and we completely blew it you guys." Carlos says.

"Okay! Okay. So what are we gonna do?" Jay asks.

"We're not doing anything. This is between Marley, Uma, and me." Mal tells them, "And she's a punk and guess what? Now I have to go and get him."

"Whoa, whoa, whoa, Mal. You're still gonna have to go through Harry Hook and his wharf rats." Carlos says.

"Yeah, you're gonna need us." Jays says.

"Uma said to come alone. Plus Harry wouldn't hurt me and he wouldn't hurt Mal knowing how much she means to me." Marley says getting up off Luke's lap as Mal grabs her bag.

"Mal, Mars, come on." Evie tries.

"She said to come alone." Carlos says, "I know one thing, I'm not going anywhere."

"We'll be here when you guys get back. Be careful Cara Mia." Luke says placing a kiss on her forehead.

Mal and Marley walk in through the doors of the Chip Shoppe.

"We're baccckk." Mal and Marley say with smirks on their faces.

"Losers, party of two. Right this way please." Uma says before kicking a chair at them. Mal catches it before sitting down, Marley standing beside her.

"Place still stinks." Marley says scrunching up her noise in disgust.

"Oh, I'm sorry. We're down a butler today.....Princess." Uma restorts.

"Where is he?" Mal asks as she worries about Ben.

"You know, I've dreamed of this. You wanting something from me, and me watching you squirm like a worm on a hook." Uma says with a smirk.

"I'm so flattered that you dream of me. I haven't given you a thought since I left." Mal retorts causing Uma to bang her fist on the table.

"Obviously. You two have your perfect little lives, don't you?" Uma says before turning to everyone else, "Don't they have the perfect little lives? And we're 20 years into a garbage strike."

"Listen, if you have some kind of score to settle with me and Marley, game on." Mal says, "I see no reason to bring Ben into this."

"It may be a little unnecessary, but oh it is so much fun." Uma says with a laugh, "Here's the deal."

"Just like your mother, always a catch." Marley says with an eye roll as Uma sits down in front of Mal.

"If  you win..." Uma says as she holds her hand up, "Ben is free to go." Mal holds her hand up, "Hmm? Don't you want to know what I get if I win?"

"Still dreaming." Mal tells her.

"Mm. Last time I checked, your mother thought she had things all sewn up too, huh? How'd that work out for her again?" Uma retorts causing Marley and Mal to glare at her.

""On three." Mal says as she grab's Uma's hand.

"One." Uma counts.

"Two." Mal counts.

"Three." They count together before they start arm wrestling.

"You know that whole princess act? Ugh. Never brought it for a second, while maybe with Marley. You can stick a tiara on a villain, but you're still a villain." Uma attempts to taunt the sisters.

Mistress of Evil's Daughters (Descendants)Where stories live. Discover now