Chapter Twenty-Three

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Dean refused to leave Kai's side. Despite Sam's pleas for her own space for recovery, he refused. Relocating her in to his room to keep her close. Unwilling to let her go. He swabs her wounds, gingerly wiping her face clean with alcohol. He kept her bundled in blankets, coddling her frigid body in his lap. Keeping her warm. Having Kyiah powerless, unresponsive, with out her restorative energy, put him in a catatonic state. He sets his chin on the top of her head, tenderly rocking her in his arms.

"Please, please, wake up." He whispers in confidence. "I need to tell you.." He swallows. "Just, please. Wake up." He begs, counting every second between her every shallow breath.

It was thirty six hours before Kyiah's marbled body finally moved. Her head rests in the crook of his neck as she emanates minor twitches. The jerk of her muscles stir Dean from his faint slumber. Sitting upright, touching her face and unfolding a part of the blanket.

"Kyiah?" He whispers gravelly, staring down at her. Clearing his arid throat. "Kai, wake up." She inhales the deepest breath she'd taken in days as her eyes shutter open. Staring up at him through her scattered red vision.

"De-Dean." She crackles, wheezing as she takes in another round of air.

"Shh, shh. Don't talk, it's okay." He lovingly soothes. Inching over for the glass of water on the bedside table. "Here." He coo's, shifting her back onto his chest. She always her face into him, making him glance sideways. "Kai-"

"No." She stubbornly groans.

"It's water, it'll make you feel better." She purrs out a low growl. "Come on, Princess." He quietly pleads. She doesn't budge, enforcing Dean to persist. And since she was too weak to fight back, it was pretty easy. He angles forward, straightening her head to bring the rim to her lips and tips slightly, watching her drink. "See, not so bad." He exhales. She sent a glimpse of bitter appreciation through her scarlet glare. He set it back down as her head weakly hit his shoulder. Feeling the extreme exhaustion. He wraps his warm arms around her trembling form, leaning back in bed to cradle her, careful to avoid her countless open gashes. Setting his cheek on the top of her head. Battling off the tears of relief as he shut his eyes. Kai caught onto his shaken breathing, feeling it through her own shivers as the overtaking numbness began to trickle away. Half unsure if she was even conscious, she spoke through her daze.

"Dean." She says hoarsely.

"Kai, just-"

"S-Shut up." She stutterers, giving some anticipation before she speaks. Afraid of how he'd react about breaking their unspoken rule. But she needed to say it before she was gone. Not so sure that her magick would be able to save her this time. "I know.." Her voice so destroyed the admission was just a scratch. Dean took in a shaken breath, tightening his muscles on all sides of her. She fights to utter another sentence, trying so hard to get through to him. "I l-"

"Will you just, stop talkin'." He shushes. "Save your strength." She lays herself into him, too debilitated to keep going. Dean traces his thumb across her cheek, cherishing every waking millisecond he has with her. It didn't take long until Kyiah had drifted peacefully to sleep. He couldn't take his eyes off her...The same little girl he'd met on that hunt with John all those years ago, was so vividly before him. She looked exactly the same. Her cuts and scrapes, the pale skin, the dark gothic ensemble, her short, crow. hair...She was royal while fragile, frightening, yet blissful. Exuding an intensive breed of courage, only a Van Helsing could. After a few hours pass, Dean regretfully wiggled his way free and left the room. Closing the door to run a hand over his face. Sam cautiously steps into view.

"How is she?" His asks sweetly. Dean gives an unsatisfying look, walking past him into the library to fix a drink. "She's going to be okay, right?" Sam badgers following after him, rubbing his hands together in stress. He sighs in disparity, sending a side glance to his brother.

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