Chapter Eight

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The Djinn's roll up their sleeves, revealing their endless ink. Dean stepped forward as the toothless one raised a knife to Kyiah's neck.

"Let her go." Sam demands.

"She's the one we're here for...but if you want her so badly." The Djinn smiled into her neck before making eye contact with Dean. "Come and get her."

"Sammy!" Dean calls as the Djinn Leader pulls Kyiah backward into the group, and the pack lunges forward. The Mark acting up beneath his layers.

Dean rips out the demon blade, slicing through one Djinn's arm. He swings again, catching its neck. The Djinn groans before rushing Dean, who dodged to let him run his head into the booth behind them. Kyiah squirmed under grasp. Kicking the back of her boot into the Djinn's crotch, giving her time to expel herself from his arms. Spinning out to clock him with an mean uppercut, making him hobble back. She flipped a corded survival knife into the air and caught it, charging him. Just as Sam took on two Djinn at once. Swinging and hitting one before blocking and smacking another. Using Kai's 'parry and riposte' move. Dean angrily clipped a being charging for Sam. Feeling Cain cast a violent pulse through his arm. As Kyiah sliced up the face of the leader Djinn. He covered his fresh wound in a moment of weakness and she side kicked him, sending him flying through the glass of the bar's large window. She kept her elite pose, scrunching her eyes for a second before turning over to assist the boys. The Djinn Dean had clipped returned, putting him in a head lock. The tattoos streaking his arms brightly illuminating.

"I'll still get a prize for a Winchester." The Djinn smirked.

"Dean!" Sam shouts, watching the poison seep through him. He clawed at the arm suffocating him, hoping to harm the creature enough to drop him. But the venom rushes to his head, knocking him out cold. Kyiah bashes a barstool over the Djinn's head causing him to let go of Dean as he crashes to the floor. She and Sam dash to his side.

"We gotta get out of here." She breaths, helping Sam carry Dean to the Impala. Laying him in the back seat, his head on her lap as Sam roared down the road to the bunker.

The glass engraved Djinn stood to his feet cracking his neck before dialing a number on his phone.

"We found her, My Lord. She's with the Winchester's."

- - -

"Dammit, Dean." Kyiah whispers, her hands touching his cold face. Sam glanced into the rear view mirror at Kai and sped up. Pulling in so fast, skid marks left Baby's tires. They get him inside and lay him on the floor as Sam rummages through the study, scavenging for the cure. Raging through drawers and boxes. "Sam.." Kyiah calls as Dean's lips lose their flourishing color.

"Got it! I got it." Sam declares, running over to pierce Dean's arm, quickly injecting the cure into his blood stream. Sam let out a heavy sigh, sitting back on his knees. Brushing back his magnificent hair from his stallion face. Kyiah kept her eyes to Dean. "Give it a minute." Sam sighs heavily, letting his head fall back. Dean's color began to return, bringing her to sighs in alleviation.

"Thank, hell.." She exhales, pressing her hand against his cheek. Sam picks Dean up and gets him to his room. Kyiah stands in the doorway, observing Sam's devoted affection for his brother. Getting a second hand high off chewing the kind of love she'll never have. The sibling relationship. Being the only daughter of a hunting prophet was a very lonely & isolated life...Sam picked up on her staring, watching her timidly avoid his gaze as he finds her's. After ensuring Dean's physical comfort and stability, he crosses back to her.

"He's okay. It just takes a couple of hours for the antidote to completely circulate." Sam supportively assures, watching her anxiously single handedly crack her fingers. She releases a tense sigh as he lands by her shoulder.

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