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Janet POV:
Once we got home Eissa got in the shower and went to sleep. It was only 9:00 but I guess he was still tired because he slept the whole way home. Toni on the other hand was just spread out across the bed dead ass sleep.

When she sleeps her dead weight is heavy as hell. One day I was carrying her in the house because she fell asleep in the car and I damn near fell over trying to walk up the stairs. She got that fat ass dump truck back there, but since I've been working out she's not as heavy as she used to be to me.

I wanted to get in the bed because I was indeed tired too, but I had to get in the shower first before getting in the bed. Germs!

As I was just letting the water run over my body Toni's little ass decides to hop in the shower too. She was hugging my backside and laying her head in the crease of my back. It was literally the cutest thing ever, I felt so loved.

Somedays she acts like I'm that much taller than her when it's only 3 inches. I enjoy being taller than her though because I can call her short. She's my little midget, that I fuck occasionally.

"Baby you need to wash so we can get in the bed." I said.

"I know daddy but I just want to stay like this for a minute longer." she mumbled into my back.

"At least get on my front so I can wash your back or something baby ok?" I said.

"Okay baby.." she said while shifting to my front.

I planted a small kiss on her lips and started washing her back. Her hair was getting wet but she wasn't getting mad so I guess she was too tired to care. She's so cute when she gets sleepy and it's one of the best things about being married to her.
I ended up washing her whole body like a child but I don't mind because I love her little clingy ass, I think it's where Eissa gets that sleepy-clingy thing from.

When we got out the shower, I laid her on the bed and lotioned her body down. I asked her if she wanted to wear pajamas to sleep and she said no so I put her panties and bra on and left it alone.
Me on the other hand I put on some women's boxers and a bra. I was fit and had abs now, so best believe I going to show them off.

Once that was finished we did skin care and brushed out teeth. After we got in the bed Toni climbed on me like a baby and fell asleep almost instantly. The little shit she does is one of the most attractive things about her.

Toni POV:
When I woke up from my slumber I felt refreshed and relieved. Considering the conversations that were held yesterday between my father and I, I need a fat ass blunt. I know that's not like me because I don't really smoke but that's what I need right now. I've only did it once with my sisters in Jamaica and it was fun as hell. 10 out of 10, highly recommend.

Maybe if I tell J to get some weed she can find someone with some good kush. I can ask Joey too though. We can smoke it together and then have high sex. Omg that would be awesome. I'd get fucked  so long and hard, she'll taken that nice cock and fill me up with it.

"Babe wake up!" I sung in Janet's ear softly as I kissed all over her face.

"I'm up baby, Good Morning!" she said as she chuckled.

"Good Morning, I Love You!" I said sweetly, kissing her lips multiple times. Those soft lips of hers make me fall more in love with her every time I taste them.

"What do you want to do today sweetheart?" she asked, with her fine ass.

"I kinda want to stay in and just relax. Maybe you can call the people that gave us massages last time because lord knows we need them, hell I know I do." I suggested.

"Ok well what about Eiss?" she asked.

"Let's go see what he wants to do." I said as we got up to go see what he was up to.

When we walked in his room he was laying in bed watching his Ipad with the tv on at the same time. I'm telling y'all this boy is just like me, I can have the tv on and know what's going on while I'm on my phone.

"Morning baby boy!" I said.

"Good morning Mama and Mommy!" he said in a calm tone.

"What do you want to do today baby?" J asked.

"I just want to chill at home today, I really want to sleep the day away and spend as much time as possible with you guys before you go on your anniversary trip." he said.

"Ok well how about we stay in today and when you get out of school tomorrow we'll go to the trampoline park or something." Janet suggested.

"Ok Mama sounds like fun, now leave me alone so I can go back to sleep please." Eissa said with his mean ass.

"Dang it's like that?" Janet asked with her hand icee her heart.

"Yes, I love y'all but leave, thanks." he said basically kicking us out.

"We love you too crazy boy!" I said as we walked out.
He's so smart and well spoken and I can tell he gets his intelligence from his mother. They're literally like a mirror of one another and I'm starting to rub off on her which is rubbing off on him. Sometimes he acts like the boy version of Tamar and it's hilarious.

I can't wait to go on vacation for our anniversary, even though Janet has yet to tell me where we're going. I hope it's like an island or something private because we're going to be fucking the whole time. My puss is going to be throbbing and sore by the time J is done. That's my smexy daddy in a nutshell though and I love her.

To Be Continued....

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