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Omniscient POV:
When Toni arrived back from the restroom their drinks had arrived, and he was already drinking his. Toni got a Mojito and B got a Moscow Mule. While she was drinking hers she had started to feel a little woozy and couldn't really comprehend what was going on. She tried to say something but everything eventually went numb and the next thing she saw was pitch black.

While Toni was in the restroom B slipped a sleeping pill in Toni's drink. Once it was revealed that she was truly unconscious he threw her over his shoulder and took her back to his place.

At his home she started to toss and turn meaning she was about to wake up so he tied her down to the bed. Before he tied her to the bed, he removed all of his and her clothes, leaving them bare naked.

When she awakened her head was pounding and she didn't know where she was. When he seen she was awake he came over to her and knocked her out cold. Once this action was done he rammed his 8 inch cock into her. She was so tight and as he was doing these actions he was thinking of what they'd be if Janet was never in the picture.

After getting his release he untied Toni and left her on the bed with blood dripping from her thighs. Toni didn't wake up until the next morning and was merely confused of as to what happened, until she saw blood in between her legs.

Janet POV:
I haven't seen my wife since yesterday before her meeting and now I'm beginning to become worried. Eissa is sleep right now, but I think he's worried too.

Something had to have happened because she always checks in with me so I'll know her whereabouts. Never in my life did I think something like this would happen. I know her to be very aware of where she is.

When Toni did come home, she was crying her eyes out and had this terrible limp, dried blood was on her thighs, and she looked pale. I know she wouldn't cheat on me but I'm now doubting it. I have to get to the bottom of this.

"Toni come talk to me for a minute please..." I asked nicely.

"Before you ask, no I didn't cheat. I think B drugged and raped me." she said still in shock of the whole situation.

"What the fuck!" I yelled. Now I was beginning to get pissed off and annoyed because how you say you respect us and the go and rape her. I was going to go grab my gun, but she grabbed my arm, pulling me to sit back down.

"Baby just hold me please!" she said while bawling her eyes out. I held her and as we talked, and decided to get a rape kit and drug test just to be sure.

So as we were on our way to the hospital I was sure to hold her hand throughout the whole process. It really hurt me to see her in this state and time. I never would've thought that he'd be a fucking rapist.

To do this to my wife and not only drug her, but rape her because you can't have her is wild. I'm definitely going to have to pull out Damita for this one. She's the bitch that you can't get away from because she will find you and nearly kill you. If not kill you!

"BABY!" she yelled.

"Yes baby?", I said.

"Are you okay you kind of zoned out on me for a minute there? I was beginning to become worried." she said.

"Yea I'm fine, I'm just thinking about how I'm about to fuck this nigga up. I'm going to ruin his whole life. I don't give a damn what happens to myself as long and you and my son are good." I said because truthfully this nigga is going to receive a taste of his own medicine.

"Whatever you choose to do, don't go to jail please baby I need you right now." she said concerningly.

"I'm not I promise he'll just be dead, and be reported as missing." I said bluntly.

"Lord have mercy on me and my family." she said holding her head in her hands.

After we left the hospital the report said he indeed raped and drugged her. I knew I shouldn't have trusted this nigga from the start. Whenever I let her get out of my sight for a period of time some shit goes down.

I feel like ever since we got together people that are irrelevant seem to pop up out of nowhere. First it was Wissams bitch ass and now it's B. Keep in mind this nigga helped me get my son back, so now I'm wondering did he only help me to try and get closer to her.

Toni POV:
I can't believe that bitch ass punk raped me. After all he acted like her cared for me and would never let anything happen to me, but why? Why did he have to go and rape me, why while I'm as happy as can be? Did he not want to see me happy? Is it because I'm gay that he chose to try and convert me back to liking men because it didn't work. I like pussy and pussy only. The fact that I trusted that rat ass nigga just pisses me off.

"Baby have you ate since your meeting yesterday?" Janet asked slowly walking towards me.

"No, I haven't because I don't know if I'll be able to keep it down... I don't really have an appetite anyway." I said not really thinking about that right now.

"I don't either but we have to eat something. You're probably like "Bitch it didn't happen to you" but I'm still worried that he's going to try and do something else. I don't want anything to happen to you." she spoke in the soft tone she has.

"Baby I'm okay..but let's just go get some Mcdonald's fries or something, will that make you feel better?" I suggested.

"Ok...um I'll drive come on." she said as she went to get her keys.

We went to Mcdonald's and got 2 medium fries and 2 large sprites. She held my hand the whole time to and from Mcdonald's. I sense she could feel my uneasiness, but that uneasiness was slowly becoming hornyness. I

know you're like what the fuck, but her hand is so close to my womanhood that I just want to shove it in there and let her have at it. We might have to pull over so that she can fuck me because it's taking over and I can't wait much longer.

To Be Continued....

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