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Toni POV:
After our little scene in J's office it was time to go back home and chill. I need to go get a massage because my body has been so tense lately. I think it's because me and Janet have been going at it like maniacs.

When we got home Eissa wasn't there of course because he was still with Tamar and I kinda missed him a little bit. I think he knew I missed him because just as I said that he burst through the door running straight past his mother and to me.

"Damn just forget about the one who went through 39 hours of labor.." Janet said rolling her eyes.

"I still love you Mama!" he said smiling ear to ear.

"Yeah yeah whatever." she said blowing him off, not in a rude way though

"Hater Alert!" me and Eissa both teasingly yelled at her.

He told me all about his time at Disneyland and everything. He also said he saw my ex-husband Keri. I have no idea how he knows who that is, maybe Tamar said something. Last time I checked he moved to Anguilla. I haven't spoken to him since we got divorced years ago, so this is strange.

Eissa was getting sleepy and I could tell because he wouldn't get off of me. When he gets sleepy, he gets clingy and I have no problem because it just shows how much he loves me.

"Buddy get up so you can go to bed." I softly said to him.

"Ok mommy, will you sing me a song when we get upstairs please!" he begged.

"Sure, what song bud?" I asked.

"You Mean the World to Me!" he said, this was one of his favorite songs of mine. Once he got out the shower and everything he got in the bed and I sung to him his requested selection; he was fast asleep. I only sung the chorus because it didn't take him long for him to fall asleep.

Once he did I went in our bedroom to find no Janet. I was merely confused as to where she'd be. She came up here, while me and Eissa were teasing her.

"Babe where are you?" I yelled trying not to waken Eissa.

"In here" I heard from the bathroom. When I walked in she was taking a bath, without me! I can't have that absolutely not, so I started undressing preparing to join her. She just looked at me seductively the whole time until I got in with her. As soon as I did though my started ringing and it was Tamar facetiming me.

"Hey Tay!" I said answering the phone.

"Hey living legend and Toni's Daddy" she said exaggeratively.

"What's up Tay!" Janet said.

"What y'all got going on?" she asked.

"Nothing we're just sitting in the bath. Chillin!" I said.

"Oh well I got some tea to spill. I saw Keri at Disneyland today while I was with the boys. It kinda seemed like he was stalking us or something. I was beginning to worry where he came from because last time I checked he moved to Anguilla" she said.

"That's the same thing I heard. He probably is trying to figure what I got going on in my life. Shit it ain't none of his business though." I said nonchalantly.

"I know that's right living legend, but I'll talk to y'all later enjoy your bath with y'all freaky asses. Love y'all!" she said.

"Girl hush, Love you too!" I said.

"We will Tay, Love you too bye!" Janet said as I hung up the phone.

I'm telling y'all that girl is a hot ass mess. I'm trying to figure out if Towanda is ever going to marry that Sean dude, even though none of us really like him, they seem like a good couple.

I miss my sister Traci though man. She was like one of my rocks, she'd be trying to figure this stuff out, no doubt. Lemme stop before I start crying.

"Baby are you okay?" I heard Janet's soft voice whisper in my ear as she laid her head in the crease of my neck.

"Yeah I'm fine, Just kinda zoned out thinking about Traci again." I said behind tears.

"Aww baby come here." she said flipping me around holding me in her warm embrace. We just stayed like that for a while until I started to drift off to sleep. Janet seen that I was getting sleepy so she helped me out of the tub. I didn't feel like putting on clothes I just wanted to go to sleep so I laid on her chest as we drifted away into our sleep.

The next morning I woke up to a loud knock on the door. I wonder who the hell is knocking on my damn door at 8:30 in the damn morning. Whoever it is, is about to get bitch slapped.

Janet got up and answered the door but no one was there it was just a box with a note in it. The note read, "I've got eyes everywhere, watch your back bitch." I immediately jumped in my skin, but I could possibly know who did this.

To Be Continued.....

The Art of Love...🪬🫀Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt