Chapter Twenty Eight - Perrie

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The concert goes by like a haze.

There are so many things that I don't notice, that I simply can't catch, because for the most part, my eyes are glued to Chan.

The boys are incredible performers. With the perfect lighting and their choreographies they look kingly, shifting in and out of a place that seems so far away from reality. Half the time, I catch myself lost in a trance.

I dance a lot, I scream a lot. I sing, but somewhere during Maniac, my voice cracks so hard I have to take a break. I don't want to lose it and sound like I'm sick the rest of the night.

There is a short break in the middle of the concert that I use to get more snacks and another slushee. While in line at the candy stand, I text Chan.

You are amazing!

I am having so much fun watching you guys!

Tell everyone they're amazing! You guys are so so good!! I love being here, thank you so much for inviting me!

Just a few minutes later, his answers flush my phone.

I think I saw you!

I can't stop searching for you in the crowds, you distract me lol

Thank you for being here, I can't wait to see you later!

I return to my seat just as the show continues. What a privilege it is, I suddenly realize, that I can experience this show. That I know what Chan feels like, that I know who these boys really are. This truly does feel like a dream.

When the concert is almost over, the staff member that brought me to my seat appears next to me and taps my shoulder.

She bends to murmur into my ear, "The concert is almost over. I need to bring you backstage now so we don't compromise your safety."

I gather up my stuff and follow her outside, as the boys continue with their encore performances. We rush through the labyrinth-like halls until we storm through a double-door and turn a corner. The staff member delivers me to a door that is very simply tagged 'Backstage Area - Artists' and opens it for me to slip through.
"They'll be here any minute," she says, "I'm sure you'll be leaving with Chan, so just take it easy and they'll take you with them."
She smiles again, bows her head slightly, and backs out of the door.

I look around the room.
Mirrored vanities, clothing hangers, a simple couch.
Shoes along one wall, backpacks along another.  A few chairs with pairs of pants or jackets hung over their backs.
It smells of Axe deodorant and perfume.

Then the door slams open and suddenly all I feel are arms and bodies, all I see are colorful fabrics and black leather, all I hear are screaming voices and laughter.
The first one to get to me is Felix, followed by Changbin, and then Jeongin.
They wrap themselves around me, and for a moment all I could think is 'sweaty'.
People try to glorify these men, but after all that's just what they are.
Lovely, handsome, talented. But still men.
It's nice to be reminded just how human they are after seeing them tear up the stage like gods.

"Oh, my god," I finally say, "You guys are so sweaty!"
"Yes, but does it matter?" Felix nuzzles his head into the back of my neck."No. No, it doesn't. I'm gonna sweat all over you and you're gonna like it because you love me."
I laugh and wind myself out of their arms.
"Ew," I laugh and wrinkle my nose as they finally let go of me. I stumble backwards just a few steps.
My back meets a hard chest and another set of strong arms wrap themselves around my middle.

Chan places his lips on the side of my neck from behind me and I can feel him smile against my skin. I relax against him and turn to face him.

Sweat be dammed, I raise my hands, cupping his face. His skin is slick beneath my fingers but I stand on my toes and kiss him.

"Did you enjoy the show?" He asks.

"Not as much as I'm enjoying this right now," I say and wink when he scowls playfully. I add, "It was amazing. The best show I have ever been to, I swear. You were incredible."

I press another kiss to his right and left cheek and grin, my cheeks blushing. "I especially liked the part where you talked about your favorite color."

Chan blushes and glances away for a second, a slight smile growing on his lips as he answers, cheekily, "I'd hoped you caught that. I wasn't sure if-..."

I cup his face again with my hands to make him look at me, meeting his eyes with all my truths. "I loved it. And I'm proud of you."

He opens his mouth to answer, but we get interrupted by a gaggle of loud boys, as a fight breaks out between Hyunjin and Changbin, both of them waving their phones ans pointing at each other. Minho, ever somewhat of a doting mother hen, tries to calm the storm, but fails to consider both Hyunjin and Changbin are hotheads. And when they fight and bicker with each other, it's almost like they enjoy it.

Chan throws a look over my shoulder at his bandmates and sighs rolling his eyes in exaggeration.

"Duty calls," he murmurs against my ear, "Give me ten minutes. I'll meet you at the car."

Then he waves a member of staff over and kisses my cheek, brushing his hand over my hip as he makes his way over to the boys, trying to calm them down. I get lead away out of the room, down a corridor, down half a dozen staircases, and into a garage. To my surprise, the deck is mostly empty. Just at the very back, I could see the car that Duke had picked me up in. When we get close, he gets out of the driver's seat and opens the back door for me, nodding towards the staff member in thanks.

"How was it, kid?" He asks once I sit down and buckle myself in. His eyes are dark in the rear view mirror, but there are smile lines etched into the sides of his face and beneath his nose. It's so quiet in this car that I keep my voice down when I answer.

"Unbelievable. Truly unbelievable."

Duke and I make smalltalk for a few minutes, until the door to the backseat opens once again and Chan slips into the seat next to me, one hand already on my knee.

As soon as he gets settled, Duke pulls out of the parking lot.

Chan turns to me, his face clean and dressed in a simple pair of sweatpants and a hoodie, and says, "Are you ready, babe?"

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