Disclaimer - Welcome

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Dear Reader,

this is a work of fiction.
Names, people, and places may exist in the real world, however the plot and action of this story are entirely made up.
This story is not based on real events.
The author does not own any names based on real people.

I, the author, wish everyone reading a good time!
I hope you enjoy what I do and where this story takes you! I hope you laugh and cry, I hope you love the characters I created.
I hope you find pieces of yourself in this story and that it resonates with you in all the best ways.

There will be mentions of alcohol and sex in this story. As all of the characters are of age, and since it is a story about grown-ups, it feels natural and lifelike to show them behave as any other person of that age would.
I will never pretend like idols in the Kpop industry are anything other than humans, which to me means portraying them in a way that feels natural to me, personally.

I love stories about love.
To me, love is the most beautiful thing in this world.
This story is about all the types of love that make life so precious:
and self.

If you want, you are very welcome to comment and leave your thoughts!
This is a safe space and I want to encourage you to express your thoughts and feelings.
So please don't be scared to connect, reach out, or discuss by leaving a comment or sending me a message. (:

Wether you are Stay or want to become one, you are welcome and I am so glad you're here!

As always, it is an honor to write for you.

All love,

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