Chapter Five - Perrie

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Two days later, and I am back in the studio.

Today, all of Straykids will come over for the composition shoot. I have run around the entire city yesterday in search of the perfect canvas in the right size, paints, and paint thinner. It took myself and two more helper from the supply store to get the canvas into the atelier.

The canvas almost takes up an entire wall. I had to move some of my other bigger canvases and all my easels outside into the hallway to make room for this one. Plus, I need the space inside the atelier today for the shoot.

The composition shoot is important. The photograph I'll take is the template off of which I'll be working when the members are not available to model.

I want them to be comfortable here, so I already prepared everything, put some lights up and the cameras in position. I got some snacks - mostly crackers, candy, and small cakes - and drinks with low sugar.

When Straykids arrive this time, I get a text message from Chan. I had asked him if it was possible for us to exchange contact infos when I sent over the first sketches, it would just simplify any future correspondence between us.

I open the door for them and they stream in. When Changbin and Hyunjin pass me, they gingerly hug me hello.

"Make yourselves comfortable," I say as I wave them through, "There are snacks on the desk. You can put your stuff wherever you want. You can-..."

"You're Perrie?" Someone rushes in and wraps their arms around my shoulders before he takes my hand and shakes it full-heartedly. "I've heard so much about you. Thank you for working with us, we are so excited. I'm Felix, it's so nice to meet you!"

"Oh, it's my pleasure," I respond and chuckle, "I hope you only heard good things about me."

"For sure," Felix looks over his shoulders and grins towards the very last person to come into the room, "Only the best things."

Chan come sin and nudges Felix' side. There's a faint pink color in his cheeks that I've seen before when we met for the first time a few days ago.

"Hi," he says in a low voice and smiles bashfully.

I return the grin. "Hey."

"It's good to see you," he says as the other members of Straykids drop their bags and start falling over the snack table. "You look good today."

My eyes widen at the same time as Chan stumbles over his own words, and hastily adds, "I mean-... uhm. Yeah, you know. You look nice in this-... overall."

He raises a hand to scratch his neck and glances away as the tint of pink deepens on his cheeks. I can feel a bit of heat crawl into my own face.

"Thank you," I pat the fabric of my overall, "I always wear this when I work. It's super comfy. It has so many pockets."

"Are we allowed to eat these?" From the other side of the room, Jisung calls over to us, holding a box of cakes in his hands.

"Yes," I call back and shrug unsure, "If you want! I thought it would be nice-... I don't know."

"Woah, that's so cool!"

My eyes shift back to Chan's face.

"You're wearing make-up," I say, surprised.

"Oh, yeah," he grins again, showing me his beautiful dimple, "We're we not supposed to? We just thought, since you're taking pictures-... It's probably just a habit now."

"No, that's great," I nod encouraging, "I didn't even think of that, what a great idea!"

"We did it all ourselves, too," Jeongin interjects with his mouth full of crackers.

Felix nods and adds with a sly look towards Jisung, "A few of us went a little overboard with the eyeliner, though."

"Hey, I did this on purpose," Jisung answers with a pout, "It's for the dramatic effect. You'll see, it'll look great in the painting."

Felix sticks his tongue out as Jisung continues to bicker with him.

I chuckle at their sight. They seem to be just like Stay always describes them.

Next to me, Chan sighs deeply and murmurs, "I apologize for them. They're a lot like-... children.  If they get too much, let me know, and I'll handle it."

I laugh and put my hand on his arm, a typically rather casual gesture. I can't deny that I do notice  the play of his muscle though, and how strong his arm feels already.

"Don't worry," I answer, "I think we'll be fine. Let's just have fun with this."

I turn away and grab my camera from one of the tripods. Before I turn my attention to the rest of the group, I say over my shoulder to Chan, "And the make-up was a great idea. You look very pretty."

Feeling adventurous and flirty, I wink at him and grin slyly.

It's a pleasure to watch the pink creep into his cheeks again.

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