Chapter 14 Shelves

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Cohline couldn't settle with her new schedule. She trudged along the morning streets of Koleston with weighted shoes. In some ways, the mood she felt was familiar. When Eleanor was pronounced dead, Cohline could barely rise out of bed. Those first few months were brutal. Cohline remembered her weakness then. It was only thanks to Cain Kaslana and his divine weapon that the city of Koleston was still safe. She was one of the Valkyries thrown aside by the enormous rampaging Honkai bull that nearly breached the city walls. The incident happened over a year ago. The aftermath left her bedridden for a month.

"I'm always bringing trouble," Cohline muttered to herself. "Even now, I can't even spar because I got hurt two days ago."

The bust would start tomorrow. While Sasha and the trackers were staking out the various suspects managing the human trafficking business, a separate team monitored Priest Viktor's mansion. Cohline would take part in apprehending the criminals.

"Lord Kaslana even enlisted the help of another Valkyrie."

A dark cloud hung over Cohline, turning her vibrant green hair swampy. Despite the rosy tint of dawn, her favorite time of day, Cohline couldn't cheer up. She walked until she reached a warm destination, Ciel Haut. She entered and waited for her crush to greet her warmly. Stephen Haut, she couldn't get enough of his charming attitude. She fell in love with his hospitality. It freed her from her strict Valkyrie code. Unlike her friends, Cohline was a special regular who garnered special attention. When she was sick, sweets and a note from Stephen would be left outside her apartment door. It was frequent enough that she memorized his handwriting. The notes were composed of a professional tone along with a comforting familiarity.

"What do I say?" Cohline muttered, heart pounding. "I hope he wishes me a safe mission. Gosh, it was never like this I used to be able to meet his eye."

"Cohline. Welcome, what can I get you?"

Cohline's heart mellowed, she knew that voice well. Stephen wasn't at the counter. His father took his place and a tint of worry sparked in his eyes. She waved back but looked around, perhaps Stephen was prepping dough.

"I'm alright. A croissant will do."

"Right away. You're looking for someone?"

"Mhmm." Cohline nodded, sliding over a few pence.


"Huh?" Cohline immediately turned beet red. The baker shot her a wink and went to bag her bag her croissant. He was all smiles when he returned.

"So you've stayed back for him. Come alone this time."


"You're wondering how I know? Well, you girls aren't exactly the quietest."

"They told you?"

"No, I knew ever since you were little. Every time your father brought you into the store, your eyes never strayed from Stephen. Cohline I approve of your taste. Do your best!"

"Thanks but- that's- my father didn't know. Neither my father nor mother know."

"Yes, good Pat never had an eye for these things. He always wanted to spend time with you. He'd slip a few pence for an open table. I always refused, yet he insisted."

"I-I see." Cohline stammered. "Then does Stephen know?"

"Hmm, that I'm not sure. My son's a bit sneaky. Last night he stole all the day's leftovers and headed over to the Cherise District. I said we could go early in the morning, but that fool decided those people couldn't wait another minute. He's always like this. I can't say I'm not proud. He's become a finer man than I."

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