Chapter 4 Frustrations

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"This much is enough, no? You'll have to approve my proposition."

Frederick Kaslana pinched the bridge between his nose with frustration. His eyes opened and closed, stressed and troubled not only by the past but his duties as well. He sat in a brittle oakwood chair behind an imported Turkish cherry wood desk. His office in the city hall was devoid of the necessary personality needed to host troublesome children. Though he warned Sasha against acting alone he could do nothing against her natural agency. She was born capable or at the very least forced to adapt. At the tender age of twelve, she supported her ill mother by selling poppy seeds to soap manufacturers.

"You're thirteen now? Fourteen? Even Valkyries aren't called into duty until they're at least eighteen. Even then, starting at eighteen is rare. Most start at twenty, at their prime."

"Soldiers start even earlier. What was the minimum age for those men? Boys at that. Fourteen."

"It's fifteen. Yet it's not like they send the young to the front. They also enlist of their own will, not to mention most are regulated to simple duties. Cleaning barracks and counting inventory."

Sasha sighed. Despite being offered a chair she chose to stand. Though she knew Frederick would cover for her in any case of emergency, it was clear he wasn't too keen on supporting her antics.

"You have to be looking into this. How can the age come about when noble ranks can be abused? Even now it's easy for those claiming nobility to use their status to push around the common man. Marriages remain political and foul play will always be present."

Frederick gave Sasha a stink eye. She was addressing an issue that would always be present no matter what the age. He would often come across such nobles in the parties he attended when he was younger. He a noble of the highest rank, was more aware of the issues brought by the various houses. Noble behavior, pretentious and rough at times, claiming great friendships and even more.

"I have a unit working on the case. Of course, we won't dismiss your work but currently, we have other priorities. City repairs, a growing threat of invasion. At the high ends of country politics, a few countries are, let's just say pushing for more power."

"I can help-"

"You're still a child Sasaha! A child. Would Otto want you to pursue danger? Revenge? Leave this responsibility to your elders. Trust us, it'll-"

"And hope that the worst doesn't happen?"

Sash struck home. The chair under him creaked as Frederick slightly slumped down. Her words were a brutal reminder of his failure. Otto's death now was being used as a political tool. His legacy was ruined for the sake of a false sense of peace. Only a few people knew the truth behind his actions and sadly Frederick wasn't one of them.

"My goals are so petty." Sasha started softly. "I won't lose myself. At the very least give me a condition. That allows me to pursue this organized group. How much support you want to provide is up to you."

Upon hearing her reasoning tone Frederick straightened up. If left alone Sasha would pursue this group on her own. She was giving him power now, it was an opportunity he wouldn't miss. The conditions he had to set had to be reasonable.

"Fine. You need a team first. Most of the members will not be given to you. Pick as many as you need but there has to be a Valkyrie that has the strength of a high elite. Preferably in the top five hundred. Your recruits of course need to be trustworthy and you can't pick anyone from the orphanage."

"Are there any other conditions?" Sasha asked, heart sinking. Frederick's conditions were without a doubt reasonable. Made to prevent her from starting the process but also to protect her in case of action.

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