Chapter 29

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Jacks POV:

I got to Joseys house that evening and walked up to her door and knocked. She instantly opened it. I chuckled to myself a bit. I bet she was waiting for me.

"Hey!" She shouted. I laughed.

"You look stunning." I told her.

"Thank you!" She whisper shouted in my ear.

"Of course, shall we go?" I smirked.

"Yeah." Josey smiled that sweet cheesy smile at me.


As soon as we got to Cynthia house, we could hear the music from all the way in the street.

We, as in me, Gilinsky, Josey and Sammy all walked in. Gilisnky instantly saw Cynthia and walked right over to her.

Josey and I walked over to the counter and I picked up a shot glass and took a sip. I better not get too drunk tonight. Well it's summer who cares. Live your life.

"Josey take some shots!" I yelled through the loud cheering and music.

"I don't drink!" She shouted back at me. It feels weird to yell because we are standing right by eachother.

"C'mon babe," I whisper shouted in her ear.

"Ehhhh-" she paused, "fine." She poured herself a glass and took a sip. "Mmm." She hummed.

"Told you it's good," I said.

"Your right," she chuckled.

Suddenly Mallory came over to me and dragged me across the floor and started dancing. Is she drunk? I wonder if she still has a thing for me or if she's just being friendly.

"Come on J-Jack dance with me-e-e b-babe!" Mallory shouted slurring her words. Yep she's drunk. I started dancing with her anyway. At least I'm not cheating on Josey I could never do that.


Joseys POV:

After Jack left with that girl. She was the same one from the chipotle before mine and Jacks first date. He better not do anything with her.

I went and sat down on the couch and some guy with mahogany colored hair. "I'm Kyle." The boy said to me.

"I'm Josey," I said smiling.

"Oh, Jacks girlfriend!" He shouted. "Yeah." I chuckled. Kyle laughed.

"Where is he anyway?" Kyle asked me.

I pointed towards Mallory and Jack. "Oooh. I'd watch out, that's his ex-girlfriend and she's constantly trying to get him back." Kyle told me.

"Yeah they kissed at chipotle when me and Jack we're going on a first date, it was terrifying." I laughed. So did Kyle.

"Your funny," Kyle said. "But I'd watch your man if I were you." He's probably right.

"I'll go talk to him." I said.

"Good. Nice to meet you, Josey." He grinned.

I walked over to Jack and Mallory. "Hey," I said looking down. "Hey babe!" He shouted while dancing with Mallory. She's really pretty. Prettier than me, I bet Jack would trade me in for her in a heart beat. I started dancing with the two of them and Jack shouted, "yes!" And he snuck a kiss on my cheek. Maybe he does like me more than Mallory.


After we danced and danced and took many many shots I think I was sober.

It was now 2:30am and everyone was leaving. Except me, Jack, Gilinsky, Cynthia, Mallory and a few other girls. Sammy already left I'm guessing. Oh, and Kyle is still here.

I walked over to Kyle. "Hey there Josey." He hollered. "Hey!" I shouted.

"You must be really drunk." Kyle laughed.

"Yeah," I said, "are y-you drunk?"

"A little sober that's all." He said.

"I'm kinda regretting it to be honest." I said.

Kyle chuckled. "A few never hurt nobody." He winked at me. I couldn't help but laugh.

"You've gotta give me your number so we can hang sometime." He said.

"For sure." I said I passed him my phone and he put his number in it. "I'll prolly text you in the morning I'm really tired."

"Aight," Kyle said, "I've got to go. I'll see you later Josey."

"Bye!" I waved as he left the house. I walked back over to Jack and Mallory, who were talking at the counter. Just then Mallory plopped down in Jacks lap. And the sad thing is Jack didn't even try to stop her. I bet he likes her still. Or maybe he's drunk. Nah I bet he likes her.

All of a sudden I could feel the tears spilling out and so I ran outside to Cynthia's front yard.

I sat there in the lawn for a few minutes when some girl came out. I have no idea who it is but she sat down by me.

"Hey. I don't really know you but I saw you run and crying and I thought you would need a friend." The girl said to me kindly.

"Thanks. Your sweet. What's your name?" I asked her.

"Oh, I'm Teala." She said. "What about you?"

"Josey," I said, a few tears spilled out.

"So you wanna tell me why your crying, Josey?" Teala asked me smiling and rubbing my arm gently.

"Well uh, it's Jack and Mallory." I said, letting more tears fall down my cheeks.

"Oh my god. I'm so sorry. Yeah Mallory is always trying to get back every ex-boyfriend she ever had. Especially Jack because he's totally rich and famous. Ugh she seems really nice but trust me when you've been her friend for 5 years you get sick of her." Teala said and added an eye roll.

"I get it. I-I-I just don't wanna l-lose Jack." I said breaking threw tears.

"Yeah well don't worry I doubt he will go back to her." She gave me a reassuring smile and wrapped her arm behind my back.

"Thanks." I smiled.

"Of course." She said, "all I know is we have got to talk more."

"Duh!" I yelled. My tears were kinda drying up now. Teala laughed and so did I.

"Shall we go back inside?" She asked. I nodded and stood up and so did Teala. We walked inside and I walked over to Jack. Mallory was still sitting on his lap.

"Hey," Jack said.

"Hi." I said nervously. He gave me a weird look and I just looked down at the floor. I heard him whisper something to Mallory and I looked up and Mallory got off his lap and he stood up and whispered in my ear, "are you okay?"

"Yeah I'm fine." I lied.

"Oh my god. Shut up. I know your not fine, Josey." He said.

"It's uh it's Mallory." I said.

"Ok listen I don't like her like that anymore." He said, reassuring me. He rubbed my arm and I smiled. "I'll always love you Josey."

"I'll always love you too Jacky." I said grinning really big.

"Wanna sleep over at my house tonight?" Jack asked. "Yeah!"

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