Chapter 23

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Joseys POV:

The next morning I woke up and changed into Jacks maroon obey hoodie and I just stayed in my leggings and threw on some white vans.

I walked out of the bathroom and kissed Jacks cheek and he smiled at me and rubbed his eyes.

"I see your wearing my hoodie," Jack grinned.

"Yeah I like it." I smiled.

"Good. I'm gonna get ready for the day I'll be right back," Jack said. I nodded.

Jack walked into the bathroom and I decided to make conversation with Carter.

"So Carter, you happy to go home?" I asked him.

"Kinda, I love touring with the guys but I'm happy to see my family." Carter said.

"Yeah same. It's been really fun." I grinned.

"Mhmm." He hummed.

After me and Carter talked a little we got silent and it was kinda awkward so I pulled out my phone and then Jack walked out of the bathroom.

"We better get going before Bart gets angry at us again." Jack said. He looked really rushed.

"Tru," Carter said.

Jack quickly walked out the door and Carter behind him and then I walked out and ran up to Jack and grabbed his hand.

We got downstairs and everyone was in the lobby already.

Jack let go of my hand and walked over to Nash and they started talking. Is he ignoring me or something? Why? What the heck did I do this time? Ughhhh.

I walked over to Matt because I waned to talk to someone and get my mind off Jack.

"Hey Matt." I said smiling.

"Hiyaaa." Matt chorused.

"You happy to go home?" I asked him.

"Kinda," Matt said.

"Same," I chuckled.

Bart walked away from the front desk and over to us. "Alright let's head out to the limo." Bart told us.

I walked with Matt to the limo and I sat near the front by Matt, Cameron and Aaron. Jack sat in the very back with Nash, Gilinsky, Cynthia, Mahogany, Taylor, Carter and Hayes.

We just talked in the limo for a while until we finally arrived at the airport when I got out of I told Matt, Cam and Aaron that I was going to wait for Jack so I just waited by the limo doors for him to come out.

Soon he walked out right behind Nash. All Jack did was give me a warm smile and walked away so I quickly ran up behind him.

"Jack why are you ignoring me?" I asked him.

"I kinda took Bart's advice to not hang with you today. Maybe we should just be friends." Jack said. He looked sad. I'm gonna cry now.

"You should've talked to me about this. We don't have to break up," I said, "I-I-I I love you way too much for that, Jack."

"I know I should've. I'm sorry babygirl." He said, concerned. I hugged Jack as tight as I could.

"Woah babe that's a little tight." Jack laughed.

"I don't wanna lose you." I said.

"Don't worry. Let's always talk to eachother when we have doubts, promise?" Jack said.

"Promise," I said holding out my pinky. Jack wrapped his pinky around mine and I smiled and he smiled back.

"So you gonna sit by me on the plane?" I asked smiling still.

"Of Course," he said smiling widely.

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