Chapter 15

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Jacks POV:

About two weeks later it was June 2nd, a Saturday, and me and Gilinsky had just finished packing. We were about to go pick up Josey and Cynthia to go to the airport. We're at my house right now, Jack already said bye to his parents.

We went downstairs to say bye to my mom and then pick up the girls.

"Bye mom!" I yelled running out the door.

"Bye, have fun, love you!" Mom yelled back.

Me and Gilinsky got in the car. Gilinsky drove. And we were off to Cynthia's house. I can't wait for Josey to meet the guys, I think she'll love them.

After we picked up Cynthia and Josey we were off to the airport. Boys in front of the car, and girls in back. Ha I stole Cynthia's seat today.

Soon we got to the airport and went through security and got on the plane. I sat by Josey and Gilinsky and Cynthia of course sat by each other. I pulled out my phone and headphones out of my backpack, that I brought for the plane ride and plugged my headphones in. "Wanna listen to music with me babe?" I asked Josey. "Nah I'm good." She said looking out the window. "Uh, are you okay?" I asked her. "Yeah, it's just I've never been on a vacation without my family so I'm kinda nervous. Plus I don't know anyone your going on tour with." She said, shrinking in her seat. "Don't worry, you'll fit right in." I reassured her.


A/n: Sorry for the short chapter but I wanted to start a new chapter for when they arrive at the first stop for magcon.

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