Chapter 10

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Jacks POV:

Josey is so cute. Her dimples especially. I'm kinda mixed feelings tho about being back together. Girls are so confusing. Like wow we've only known eachother for a few weeks and we've already been dating and even broke up and got back together again. I don't understand girls and what goes through their heads. I'd like to find out.

As soon as we got to Taco Bell we all hopped out of the car and went inside and we are currently waiting in line. Gilinsky and Cynthia kissing, and me and Josey are just having a simple conversation.

"What you gonna eat?" She asked me.

"Soft tacos and a freezie, I'm not that hungry." I said, I'm not hungry bc of all the popcorn we ate during the movie.

"Cool, I love their freezies." She said grinning.

"Me too," I said.

A couple minutes later we sat down at a table to eat. Gilinsky was feeding Cynthia. How cute. Bleh, nasty. I don't even like Cynthia but Gilinsky is my best friend so I just learn to deal with it. Plus Cynthia has dated almost every guy in our school and all her relashinships never last, that's how loyal she is. I said almost bc there's a few that know it'll never last, Gilinsky doesn't care about what happend with her and other guys bc he's had a crush on her since 4th grade. Can't believe he never noticed her true self. It's totally okay tho, I mean I just don't want him hurt.

Just then two girls came over to us. "Omg," they squealed, "your Jack and Jack."

"Yes we are," I said. "What's your names?"

"I'm Alexis and this is Molly." Alexis said.

"Nice to meet you guys," I smiled. Gilinsky was barely paying any attention to what was going on right now.

"Are they your girlfriends?" Molly asked, referring to Josey and Cynthia.

"Yeah," I chuckled.

"Great, so uh anyway we kinda wanted a photo with you guys, is that okay?" Alexis asked me, then she looked over at Gilinsky.

"Yeah of course." I said smiling, standing up.

"Will you take the photo please?" Alexis asked Josey.

"Yeah sure." Josey said sweetly.

"Thank you." Alexis said.

"Gilinsky were getting pictures with them." I told him.

"Oh okay," he said, standing up and Cynthia just sat there acting all adorable.

So we got photos of us 4, and hugged each of them and then they left and we sat back down.

"They were nice," I said smiling.

"Mmhm," Josey and Gilinsky mumbled.

Alexis was really pretty. Wait what? I have a girlfriend. "So we ready to go?" I asked everyone. "Yeah let's get going," Josey said.

So we got out to the car, me and Josey in back and Cynthia and Gilinsky in front again. I wrapped my arm around Josey and she snuggled up against me, pulling her feet up on the seat. I looked in her eyes and she looked in mine, idk how long we sat like that but I liked it. Sooner than I knew it, we were in Cynthia's driveway. "Bye baby," Cynthia called out while walking to the door. "Bye, text me," Gilinsky shouted. "Will do," she shouted back. "K so I don't know where Josey lives so you'll have to tell me, Jack." Gilinsky told me. "Okay," I said.

We pulled out of Cynthia's neighborhood. "Turn left," I said. And he did as told.

Then we got to her house. "Bye cutie," I said. I like calling her that, it's just adorable and I know she likes it too bc she always grins when I say it. "Byeeee," she dragged on. "Love youuu," I said smiling. "Love you too baby." She said. Wait. I just said I loved her. Did I really mean it when I said it? Oh, who knows? I'm stupid af. When Josey jumped out, so did I. "What are you doing?" She asked me. "Oh sitting in front with Jack." I replied. "Oh," she said, "bye!" She waved at me. I waved back and so did Gilinsky.

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