Chapter 19

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Jacks POV:

We took Josey to the local hospital when she passed out. I feel so bad. I did not see that coming. We had to finish the show but as soon and it was over we rushed here.

The doctor came out and said to us, "she will be okay but her stomach is bruised and it will be very sensitive for a few days so make sure she is careful."

"Ight." I said looking at my feet. Gilinsky and Cynthia were feeding each other fruits that they got from the hospital. How are they not worried about her?

Matt and Nash came and sat by me.

"Don't worry man, she'll be fine." Matt reassured me.

"I'm just pissed because Cynthia is so cruel to her. And I don't know why." I said.

"I like how your so protective over your girlfriend, it's sweet." Nash told me.

"Thanks. But nows not the time for compliments." I told him.

"Maybe you should tell Bart to switch the rooms." Matt said.

"Already tried that, when they were first assigned." I told him. I rested my arm on the arm rest and put my head in my hand.

"Try again. After what he saw today maybe he will understand." Matt said, fluffing his hair.

"Fine." I said. We all just sat there in silence for awhile until the doctor came back out about 30 minutes later.

"She can go home now, but we gave her medicine so she might get sleepy. And don't forgot that her stomach may be sensitive for a few days." The doctor told us.

"Alright thanks doc." Bart told the doctor, and shook his hand.

"I'll go grab her. I'm going to put her in a wheel chair and I'll roll her out for you guys. In case she passes out in the parking lot. The sleeping medicine is really effective." The doctor said. And he left into one of the rooms down the hall.

A couple minutes later he rolled Josey out on a wheel chair and I could tell she could barely keep her eyes open. When she saw me her head instantly shot up. I smiled and she smiled back.

As we were walking out of the hospital. I walked over to Bart. "Hey," I said. "Hi bud. How are you?" Bart said. "Good." I said. "Great," he said. "Umm can I please switch Josey in with me and Carter?" I asked. "Well Jack where will Cynthia go?" Bart asked, giving me a faint look. "Maybe Gilinsky." I told him. "Ugh fine, Cynthia with Gilinsky and Taylor then." Bart said. "Sweet and me and Josey and Carter?" I asked. "I guess." He said. Yasss.

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