Chapter 41

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         "Ready or not. . .Here I come."

         That being said, Nagito hummed and slightly swayed his body gracefully as he walked into the midnight-like forest.

          The comfortable breeze gently shook the trees, almost giving him a feeling of freedom; something Nagito really hadn't felt ever since Hajime was brought to the hospital. 

           He's been in utter despair and shame for what had happened, all because of his selfishness. And ever since Hajime's absence, plus the lost medications, Nagito's sanity and overall well-being have really taken a toll on him. Not being able to show his altruism towards his beloved…Makes him feel completely useless.

            Though he knows his place, and deserves every bad thing being thrown his way…Nagito doesn't want to seem nugatory to Hajime. He could care less about what others thought of himself, although he knows they're definitely right…

           But…He heavily cares for what Hajime thinks.

            Cleaning and cooking before Hajime arrived home, to be rewarded with a bright smile…That's what Nagito looked forward to every single day. But now that he isn't here…What's the point? 

            . . .

            But right at this moment…

            There were still ways for him to not seem entirely useless.

            Giving a feeling of relief...Another way to cope. 

            Feeling a little giddy inside, Nagito started his quest, seeking around trees and rocks.

            Taking patient steps, he moves his head, slowly scanning his surroundings. Nagito let out a small chuckle, before laughing out loud…

             "Tehe--Ahahaha!~ Wow, this is so exciting! The only time I've played this game was with my parents. Ah, such fond memories." Nagito spoke loudly, making himself known, ". . .Hmm.. Not here~," He said as he searched behind a tree.

            Mahiru could hear his cackling from a distance…The closer he eerily stepped, she would try her hardest to quietly change location. Keeping him as far as possible. 

            Taking advantage of his disturbing and continuous rambling, she nervously snuck her way into another location. It was quite hard to see…And the fact that she was scared for her life made it even harder to concentrate.

              "MmH a a a H~ I can already sense the immense Hope Hajime-kun will feel after this!" He moaned, hugging himself tightly; letting a streak of saliva escape his lips and run down his chin. "Ah, well, if I find you of course. Tehahaha! Isn't this fun? Koizumi-san? Reliving our playful, childish memories," Nagito spoke loudly. His eyes faded into a dangerous dark shade…

             "Playing a game like this in such a big and especially dark area, where anywhere could be a hiding spot; against such a skilled player as well! Luck up against Skill…" Nagito's laugh fell into a deep threatening chuckle. Staring into the almost dark abyss ahead with a crazed expression..

               "What  E x i l a r a t i o n!"

               Mahiru stood very still, listening to Nagito's slow movements. . .That only seemed to speed up the more excited he got. This only terrified her as she was forced to quickly leave her location. She just needed to get as far away from him as possible, where her footsteps couldn't be heard. That way, she could book it. 

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 28 ⏰

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