Chapter 26

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       "Hey Hinata, where are you going?" Saihara asked me, quite confused. I glance at my watch; It was almost 10 pm.

         "I...I have to see Nagito, he's going through something right now. I just want to make sure he's okay." I answered.

          "..Hm, well, no worries Hinata. Kirigiri and I can take over the rest, and give you all the details we have gathered tomorrow." Saihara smiled. "I'm pretty sure she will be back any minute now- Oh, there she is!" I turn around, watching Kirigiri enter through the office doors.

            "Hey Kirigiri, how was your secret investigation?...I guess." I asked.

            ".  .  ."

            "It was fine." She responded. I was expecting her to elaborate...But she didn't. She walked over to the desk covered with files and papers, picking one of them up.

            'Hm...That was fairly vague...'

            ".  .  ."

            Why do things seem a bit awkward between us?

            Instead of pressing any further, I packed up all my things, and waved goodbye.

             I took the elevator down to the first floor, then finally opened the front exit. I felt as the cool breeze hit my face.

            It was a pretty cloudy night. The moonlight could not peirce it's way through the thick layers of mist, so it was fairly dark outside. The only light source being the building and the dim street lights. I began to walk near the road, looking around for Nagito. My vision getting darker and darker the further I walk away from the building.

            He was probably running late. I grab my phone from my pocket, and began dialing is phone number...When-


           I froze. As I heard a sudden sound like a stick breaking...Almost right behind me...And close...

           All the sudden, all my senses were on high alert. I can faintly hear foot steps coming towards me now. My palms became damp, as a bead of sweat slowly ran down my face.

           I. . .I don't have my gun on me. And I feel like it's probably to late for me to sprint back into the building...

          The steps were now closer. . .My legs...Why aren't they moving? It's like I was completely glued to this one spot. . .I need to defend myself somehow...I can't die here..

           I reach into my pocket, feeling around for a weapon of any kind. I felt something quite dull, but could hurt someone if you really needed too; A box cutter.

           The footsteps got as close as I wanted, before I turned around and swung the box cutter towards their face. The figure swiftly dodged it, and grabbed my wrist.

           ". . ."

            ".  .  .Are you fucking kidding me?" I growled, realizing who the figure was.

            "Ah, Tehehe~ That was close wasn't it, Hajime-kun~" Nagito chuckled, letting go of my wrist

            "N-Nagito! What are you doing out here!? I thought you were that serial killer, or someone trying to hurt me!" I scolded. Nagito stood there with both his hands up in a surrendering gesture.

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