Chapter 2

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    "Crap! I forgot to send in the reports for today!"

      I scurried through all the files that were scattered all over  my desk. I quickly opened up my laptop and got to work.

      My name is Hajime Hinata, my life can get pretty stressful. They say that the best time in your life starts in your 20s, that has been the total opposite for me. I work as a detective in the future foundation corporation. Right now, we are in a difficult case, revolving around a serial killer. There hasn’t been any leads on who this killer might look like or the gender. Which means more work for me..

      Looking through these reports, the killer would always put their signature on the crime scene, simply writing the letter “T.H” next to their victims. In this murder case the killer carved their signature into the victum’s chest, how sickening.

    "Files, files, and more files" I sighed and yawned, then glanced at the mirror to the right of me. 

      I looked like a total mess. My spiky brown hair seemed to be more out of place. My creased button up garment with the collar falling loosely around my neck, due to my tie being freed against my throat. The dark circles under my eyes, which weren't very noticeable before, have formed even darker. As I rub my hazel eyes as I look over to the clock on the wall, it's past 11 pm.

      "Hmm.. Nagito should be home by now, I wonder where he is.” I questioned. Stretching out from my chair, I stood up walking over to the kitchen to set some coffee on. I walked back into the living room and switched on the TV.

      “I guess I got a little carried away huh” Nagito said, staring down at the lifeless mess he created. 

       Blood was splattered everywhere, from where he was standing, to almost the end of the dark alleyway. He needed to think of something quick, before an unlucky guest stumbles back here.
       "Of course you would do something like this Nagito...I really am such trash." He cursed at himself.

       He carefully pulled off his gloves, placing them into a towel he brought. He reached into his back pocket, pulling out his phone, he squinted his eyes due to the blinding light glaring back at him. Looking at the time, he sighed.

      “Has it really been over an hour?” He said, taking another glance at the mutilated corpse, and all the blood he would have to quickly clean up. He looked back at the time.

      “Hinata will start to worry if I don’t get home soon...There is no way I can clean all of this up in time.” He sighed, closing his eyes. He then went to his call log and typed in a phone number, he hesitated, before hitting the call button. He impatiently tapped his foot as the call rang, till someone finally answered.

       “Nagtio! I am so happy you called! It’s been a while since we talked~” A very carefree male voice was heard on the other end, Nagito hated it.

      “It took you long enough. Listen, I need a huge favor.” Nagito said, wanting to get this over and done with, just so he doesn’t have to hear his annoying voice anymore.

      “Aww you missed me that much? I’m so touched!” The male on the other side said. Nagito rolled his eyes.

      “Trust me, you are the last person I would ever want to talk to.” Nagito scoffed, starting to lose his patience even more.
        The boy on the other end dramatically gasped.

        “You cut me deep. To think, my best friend Nagito could say such a thing? Oh the despair!” The other end said with a fake sob.

      Nagito started getting agitated, he didn’t have time for this.

In the Name of Hope {KomaHina}Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя