Chapter 1

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    "W-who's there!" A lady said, fear visible by her tone.

      Swallowed by darkness, in a very narrow alleyway, only light source being the moon in the night sky. Cold air that should feel refreshing, has the feeling of dread behind it. It's quiet, the only sound that could be heard was the woman's own trembling breathing. As she slowly backed away, cautiously eyeing her surroundings, a voice somehow appeared from behind her, frightened, the woman stumbled backwards.

     "Good evening M'lady" A low raspy voice man revealed himself, towards the end of the black alley way, only his feet being visible.

     "Who a-are you? W-why are you following me?!" The woman stammered.

      "You're not very observant are you. You only realized I've been following you once you stepped foot in this alleyway, but, I have been following you all afternoon. A pretty lady like you shouldn't be all alone in a dark place like this, should've asked one of your friends to walk you home...but..that would've been unfortunate for them as well huh." The man chuckled to himself, slowly walking towards the frightened woman.

      "W-what do you w-want! S-stay where you are, you c-creep!" She said backing up slowly away from the man."

       The man sighed, annoyances can obviously be heard behind it.

       "Ugh, what's with all the questions, no one told me there would be an interview."

        The man said, finally walking close enough to see his defining features. The man appeared to be pretty tall and skinny, wearing a formal suit with black gloves. His white as snow hair did not match the formality, strands of hair flying in every direction imaginable. His dangerously pale skin, along with those deep Grey eyes, and that bittersweet sadistic smile, could send chills down anyone's spine at first sight.

       "Y-you!?...The lady said in disbelief, tears visibly threatening to fall down her face.

        "You don't remember my name do you? You called me a creep earlier, teheheh, yeah I get that a lot. Sometimes all I would want is to do is chat, how despairing..." The man looked down, disappointment shown on his face. But not even ten seconds passed, and he was right back to that vile smirk.

        "I have a question for you, and I need you to answer truthfully." The man said in a serious tone.

         "I-I won't participate in t-this little game you're t-trying to play!" The lady said, trying to sound confident.

          The man chuckled. Hiding his hands behind his back.

         "I don't think you're in the right position to speak out like that M'lady~" He said, removing his hands from behind him, revealing a shiny sharp object.

          The lady's blood ran cold. The scene that was unfolding in front of her, she was all alone in this dark alleyway, with this sadistic man threatening her with a large knife, not a soul to hear or save her.

         "Now, Here is my question, answer truthfully now~. Which side are you on? Hope..or Despair." The man said in a melodic tone.

         The lady stood there, unable to speak. The confidence she once had, faded. She was confused, Hope? Despair? What was the man in front of this frightened woman getting at?

         What would happen if she said the right answer? Would she be spared..? set free from this wicked man? What would happen if she said the wrong answer...? All these questions raced through her mind. She finally snapped, as the man clicked his tongue.

         "Tic-Tock~ I really don't have the time to waste from people like you" The man said, taking another step forward.

        "I-I-I..." The lady stumbled, couldn't seem to put her thoughts into words.

       The man stepped even closer, counting down impatiently.



        The lady looked up, her eyes widened from this action. She starts to visibly judder. By each number, the man would take a step closer, closing in on the gap between the two.

        " can't do this!" Her voice starting to raise, tears finally falling down her pale face.

                   "3..." Step.

          "2..." Step.

          There was a long pause..not a word being said. The only sound that could be heard was the drops of water that rolled down from a roof, creating it's own puddle on the ground.


         Her eyes were wide and glossy, face stained with tears, mouth agaped from words that could not be formed. The man stared, just inches away from the lady.

        "Hmm...What a shame" the man said, dissatisfied from the lack of answer. He was just about to get ready to attack when..

        "H-Hope..." the woman said in a scratchy tone, she watched cautiously as the man lowered his weapon from her neck. She was relieved, she said the correct answer. As so she thought.

         The man stood there, that vile smile that seemed permanent on his face faltered, later turning into a dead emotionless stare. He just stood there, not saying a word, the relief the lady felt earlier, disappeared once again. After what seemed like hours passed, the man finally spoke.

         "....I did say to answer truthfully, did I not?" The man's voice was dark. The light in his eyes faded, spirling.

        "Not only did you waste my precious time taking far too long to answer a simple question, You go on and lie in a situation like this?" The man scoffs, eyes seeming like it could burn holes into anyones soul.

         He continued.

         "You know...It's been a while since we last saw each other, and it would seem you haven't change one bit."

           As he said that, the lady's eyes went wide, a bundle of tears falling down her face, as she coughed up blood. The blade of the knife that was once seen, disappeared into her stomach.

           "Do you really think that hanging around people, or tormenting people who are way more hopeful than you, would also make you as hopeful as them? HahahAhaha~..Don't make me laugh!"

           The man's voice raised more and more, his bugged out eyes almost piercing out of his skull, as he stabbed the lady again.


                                And over...

                                            And over...

          The only sound that was able to come out of the lady, was the sound of her choking on her own blood. Her vision, beginning to fade, the last thing she heard was the man's deranged laughter.

          "To answer your question from name is Komaeda. Nagito Komaeda."

                           "Protector of Hope."

In the Name of Hope {KomaHina}Where stories live. Discover now