Chapter 18

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      I should've been annoyed with him calling me that...But instead, a small smile fell onto my face. I inch my face closer to his, once again, while he gave me that mocking grin of his.

      "I'll let you have this one. . .Just this once." I said, colliding our lips together again.


      I have never seen Hinata-kun this wound up, and take control like this. . .But, we actually don't have much time to be doing this-

      "H a h~" I let out a pant, as Hinata-kun moved from my lips to my neck, nibbling on it passionately. I place my hand behind the back of his neck, as I tilt my head more to the left, so he could get better access.

        'W-We don't have much time. . .But, this side of Hinata-kun...was quite intriguing..'

         Hinata-kun kept kissing my neck for a couple more seconds, before his hand started to slowly wander around my body; It felt...Really nice.

          "N g h~ H-Hinata-kun~" He then raised his head up, so we were at eye level. He gave me a small peck on the lips, before he began to blush. His hand went lower, till it reached in between my legs-

         "A-Ah-hah~" My legs locked from the contact, as I arch my back. "H-Hinata-kun...Ah~ W-Wait!" I said, grabbing his forearm. He looked at me, quickly pulling his hand away.

        "A-Are you okay? I-I didn't hurt you, did I?" He panicked. I slide from under him, grabbing his hands.

       "N-No! Of course not. It's just...These are the only good pair of dress pants I have, tehehe." Hinata-kun blushed, staring to the seemed like he wanted to say something, but was too embarrassed to say it. I chuckled. "I guess the logical thing to do is take it off, that's probably what you are thinking right?"

        Hinata-kun's face went fully red, as he looked away, clearing his throat. "I-I wasn't thinking that..." He said, while crossing his arms. "B-But..Yes, that would be the most logical thing to do."

        'Such a tsundere~'

         I laugh at how totally obvious he was. "Here's the thing; I may have booked us another reservation for tonight."  I said, with a closed eyed smile. Hinata-kun's eyes widened a tiny bit.

          "Y-You did? When did you book it?" He asked.

           "Well, when you didn't come home at the time you said, I decided to look for another nice restaurant for us to dine into!" I replied. I take a look at Hinata-kun's expression; He still looked sad..."Hinata-kun. There is no need to be sad. We are still going out tonight!" I said, with much excitement.

           Hinata-kun kept his gaze away from me. "I...I know. It's just...I was the one who arranged all of this for us, and-"

           "Hinata-kun...I may have booked us in for Eight-thirty tonight." I interrupted. He then looked at his watch, leaping up, and off the floor.

            "E-Eight-thirty!? That's twenty minutes from now!" He yelled while running out of the living room. I chuckle, as I dust off my ceremonious outfit, and sat back onto the couch; Awaiting for Hinata-kun's return.

           "Everything...Must be perfect."

          After about ten minutes, Hinata-kun was ready...That was strangely fast. When I saw him turn the corner, it's like the world began moving in slow motion.

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