Chapter 5

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    “...Is this...okay?” Was the last thing I heard before drifting asleep. I woke up feeling very warm, but also very restricted, feeling a slight heavy weight on top of me. I turn my head to the table beside me, where my phone lay face down. Wiggling around a bit, I was finally able to pull my arm out from underneath Nagito, as I reach for my phone. I grabbed it, flipping it over and turned it on, reading the time.

      "2:47 Am" I whispered to myself. 

      I tried to sit up, but it was much harder than I thought it would be. I lightly tap the top of Nagito’s head, trying to wake him up from his slumber.

      “Hey, Nagito..” I whispered. But there was no response, the only sound that came out was his light snores. I began to lightly shake him, and as I did that I heard a tiny groan. Thinking he was waking up, I spoke.

      "Hey Nagito, it's almost three in the morning, let's head upstairs." Nagito turned his head, as his snoring returned. 

      "Ugh, Nagitooo." I whined, wiggling a bit more to escape Nagito's grasp. After a few seconds, I was able to release my foot, then eventually, I carefully slipped out. I got up fixing my shirt, looking down at the sleeping male.

     I crouch down to get a better look at him. He seems peaceful this way. Everytime I look at him, he always seems to have something on his mind.

      'What's going on in that head of yours Nagito Komaeda' I thought to myself.  Upon closer inspection, I saw dark circles under his eyes. I felt a bit bad trying to wake him earlier, he must have had such a rough day today...only for him to come home to me screaming at him. I sighed. 

       "I'm sorry Nagito...I hope you can forgive me from earlier. Or all those other times where I had my little hissy fits...Hehe, I don't know how you put up with me sometimes." I whispered, lightly chuckling to myself. "I just...don't know what I would do if I ever lost you.." I said, lightly caressing his face.

      I grabbed both his arms, and put them around my shoulders, then proceeded to grab his legs, securely holding them around my waist. I begin to carefully walk out of the room, so as to not wake Nagito up. As I started up the stairs, Nagito turned his head, and nuzzled his face in the crook of my neck. My face started turning hot, as I could feel his breath lightly hitting my neck.

       I picked up the pace, finally making it to our room, gently placing him on the bed. I walked over to the other side of the bed, and lied down beside him, grabbing the comforter covering us both under. Wrapping my arm around him, before dozing off into a peaceful slumber.

      *Bzzt* *Bzzt* *Bzz-*


      "Hey, mom...Yeah I'm coming home now." The lady said, speed walking down the street. "Yeah I know it's extremely late, give me 10 more minutes, and I will be home safe and sound!" She said, as she spectated her surroundings.

      "Yeah...I'll be you, bye" She said as she disconnected her phone, and placed it in her pocket. "I should take this short cut, maybe I'll get there quicker." She said to herself as she took a right, and began going down an alleyway.

      "It’s so dark, I can barely see a thing" She said, pulling out her phone once more, and turning on the flashlight feature. 

      After a few seconds, she calmed her pace, once she saw a couple of drops of a strange red substance on the ground. She looked far ahead, noticing something in the distance. Walking further, she noticed a few more drops of the same red substance. Her face twisted up, as she  smelled something foul.

In the Name of Hope {KomaHina}Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt