Chapter 7

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      "I'll be quick! Let me just answer this, and see why it is 'so important', that he is up at this time of day." Hajime-kun said. 'For someone to disturb us while we were about to eat annoying.' I felt a built up of slight irritation. But quickly, I tried to pushing that infuriating thought away, as to not break my smiling character. It was probably too late, as I saw Hajime-kun looking at me with a sorry expression.

      I turn my head away from those hopeful eyes, giving him some privacy. There was a book sitting a side from me, as I then picked it up, flipping over the pages and stopping where I last left off. 'I can't start eating without Hajime-kun, that would be disrespectful of me. To eat before the symbol of hope? I could never!'

       As I sat there reading, a lovely memory suddenly appeared in my mind, on what Hajime-kun said to me last night.

       "Nagito. You mean the world to me, please don't think that you don't. I appreciate everything you do for me, no matter how small. The way you smile, even in the most detrimental situations, you always seem to smile right through it. I envy that to be honest..."

      'Knowing that I actually made an impact in Hajime-kun's life makes me incredibly overjoyed. Someone like me, bringing Hope to someone already so Hopeful' I chuckle to myself, a bit louder then I intended to. I covered my mouth Hoping he didn't hear that sudden outburst. I glance over to him, it seems he is still invested in whatever Soda was telling him-

      "It's about that seriel killer!

       '. . . .'

      'What...?' I turn my head towards Hajime-kun, only to see him sprint out of the kitchen, and into the living room. 'serial killer?' I thought to myself in pure confusion. That's impossible...

      I stood up slowly, pushing in my chair, and started walking towards the exit of the kitchen. Generally, I took no interest watching the News about my so called 'crimes'; to which, they shouldn't even be called crimes. Why was deleting despair from the world such a misdeed?

      My favorite part of doing what I do, is comforting Hajime-kun in the end, giving him my useless hope speeches. Like someone like him would need them...

       I blush, beginning to hug myself. "Aha, Hajime-kun~ you're so perfect~..." I daydream, feeling a wet substance drip down from my mouth.

      I quickly snap out of it, wiping my chin with my arm.

    'But...this is different. It should have been absolutely impossible for them to find that body, let alone any blood...there has to be a mistake.' I thought to myself. As I made my way to the living room, I saw Hajime-kun intensely staring at the screen, sitting on the edge of his seat.

      A video was being played on the screen. The place was dark, all that could be heard was heavy trembled breathing behind the camera. I froze, as the camera landed on the wall. Red familiar letters were written all over it.

      I felt my blood run cold, as I can feel myself slipping from reality. Whatever was in my hand at that very moment, was now freely released, hitting the ground. The world around me mildly started to shudder.

      'I...I didn't do that...Did h-he...W-What the hell is going on?' I thought to myself, stumbling backwards falling onto something soft, which was probably the sofa.

      Everything around me completely faded. I could no longer hear the television, nor anything else. The only thing that could be heard, were me and my thoughts.

In the Name of Hope {KomaHina}Where stories live. Discover now