Chapter 38

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             ⚠️  ALCOHOL ABUSE  ⚠️

       "..N-Nagito..h i C..Why aren't you answering m eee...?" Hajime slurred, loosely holding onto Nagito's shoulder as he held him bridal style.

        Nagito slowly made his way to the stairs, staring blankly at nothing...

       Still not saying a word...

       Hajime began growing impatient, still not very aware of what's happening with Nagito...Or whoever this was...Once they turned the corner, sitting on the step was no other than Souda. Souda was looking down at his phone, with a drink in the other. He was fairly drunk, but not as ample as Hajime; So he was still able to somewhat stand.

        There was a weird aura Souda felt, which was the reason why he looked up from his phone to find out what that uneasy suspicion was coming from.

        His stomach dropped when he found a pair of cold, almost soulless eyes staring back at him. Souda threw himself to the side, and out of the way of the stairs. Horrified, he scooted his bottom across the ground, away from the two.

        Nagito only kept staring...

       If he wasn't holding Hajime right now. . .

        Something bad would have definitely happened.

        But Ouma...He is the number one threat right now. Hajime snickered, finding Souda's reaction hilarious, before disappearing upstairs in the arms of this person. 

        Once upstairs, instead of taking a right to the bedroom...Nagito took a left...

        Where the door revealed the laundry room...

        "Wᵣₒₙg..ᵣ-ᵣₒₒₘ, yₐ ᵢdᵢₒₜ." Hajime maligned. As he continuously tugged on Nagito's brown turtleneck sweater, still as drunk as ever, trying to get his attention.

        ".  .  ."

        No response. All Nagito did was stare at the so-called shelf in front of it...Just as if he was a walking robot that only had one goal...



        One goal. . .

              P̶r̵o̷t̵e̵c̷t̵                  H̶̨͑a̸̪͐j̴͉͝í̸̩m̸̰͠e̴͔̾


  D̸e̵s̴p̸a̷i̷r̸              H̸o̶p̷e̶             T̷a̴i̷n̸t̸e̶d̷

           S̸a̷v̵e̴                   P̵r̸o̶t̴e̵c̶t̸ ̶H̶a̷j̴i̸m̵e̵

                      P̴r̶o̶t̸e̸c̷t̴ ̴H̴a̵j̵i̸m̸e̴

                      ̸P̴r̸o̵t̷e̷c̷t̶ ̶H̷a̷j̴i̷m̴e̸

                      ̸P̴r̶o̶t̸e̴c̵t̴ ̶H̵a̴j̷i̵m̴e̴      

              P̷̭̙̾ ̶͙̝͈̐͗͒r̵̡̻̥̈́̒ ̸̢́̎͂ǫ̶͍͙̑̒͂ ̶̦̠̰͕̑̃̈t̴̮̦̳̓̏͝ ̶̠̇͝ȇ̶̯̹̯͂ ̷̭͈̑͊̚c̴̍͛̏̚͜ ̸͙̬͖̺̊t̵͔̄́̽ ̸̩̝͕̻́̅͗ ̶̡͔̭̈́̃̕ḫ̷̞̄͝ ̷̦̹̼̚ͅi̸̻͝ͅ ̴̡̧͙͇̐s̷̩̠̻͋ ̵̳̇̃͐̋ ̵̥͂̈́̚Ḧ̷̰̬̳́ ̸̱͈̀͋o̵̢̧̫͗̍͆͌ ̶̠͎̐p̵͔͍̋̀ ̷͉̎̇̍ě̷̘͕͔͈̍

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