Not The Same

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The rest of the week consisted of me following the same routine. I'm allowing for the rest of my crew to tone everything down. We need to lay low anyway, I heard some pigs in the area have been snooping around. Wouldn't be surprised if Jenna was the cause of that, I don't think she'd turn me in but who knows... shit ain't the same no more. We're not children or young adults fresh out of high school. "Boss, we got some movement up front", Tike, one of my runners reported. I shook my head and huffed in frustration. NEVER in 2 years has anyone randomly showed up at this location. Made a u-turn? Sure. But actually pulled in and stayed there? No, never. I made my way to the back to take a look at the cameras and I was right. Jenna and some other guy. Two cars, she's talking to the guy with her back towards the entrance. If I didn't know any better, I'd think she's trying to protect me. Fuck, that was a good laugh. Probably telling him what to look for and where. I'm internally fuming at the possibility of being caught but I have shit to move. I tasked everyone with doing what they could to hide any evidence of any illegal activity. We have escape systems in place so most of the shit will end up on a 18-wheeler and take off in about an hour. Nothing suspicious about that, right? They don't have a search warrant for the trucks, they can't do shit about those.

I helped my crew get things together, ensuring to remain as quiet as possible. We cleared the place in 30 minutes so I checked the cameras to see nobody there just one car still. Who's here? I flipped through the camera roll to peek at different angles and blind spots, nothing. I'm officially agitated. I sighed, did they get the upper hand or do I have it? I started to walk to my office then I heard a voice taunting me, "you'd be in jail right now if I didn't come save your ass". I turned around to see the face I'm starting to be a bit unsure of. "No one's came poking around until you showed your face... coincidence?" I retorted, standing my ground. She stood there, not breaking her eye contact with me. "If I didn't know any better, I'd assume you're here to arrest me." I poked, walking closer to her. She raised her eyebrows then nodded ,"nice. The paranoia's kicking in." I looked around to see if anyone was around then huffed before meeting her gaze. "What do you want?" I asked. She stayed silent for a few seconds before answering my question. "I want you to get out. I can't be around to save you all the time." Jenna insisted. "The Fuck? Nobody asked you to help me, I can't even fucking trust you. You're one of them." I scoffed before walking away from her. "Excuse me?!" She exclaimed, maneuvering around me and stopping right in front of my pathway. "Are you fucking kidding me? I saved your ass, how DARE you talk shit like that?" I rolled my eyes at her obvious attempt to sway my observation. "Jenna, you're a fucking pig! I CAN'T. TRUST YOU." I established, pushing her out of my way. She immediately pushed me back then gave my face the pleasure of meeting her palm.

I bit my tongue and refrained from saying anything else, mean mugging her. "FUCK you, Devyn." She said before walking off towards the exit. I watched her walk away from me with an attitude. Can I be fucking honest for a second though?... That was fucking hot, she just smacked the shit out of me with no remorse. I looked back to see if anyone had seen what happened. From what I could gauge, I'm clear. I headed back home after ensuring the trucks took off. On my way back, I got a call from Becca. She always has something she wants to meet up for or have us all participate in. I answered the phone, only expecting her of course.

Becca: hold on I have to merge Jenna in!

Me: Great.

Casey: oop... trouble in paradise, Dev?

Me: when the hell did you get here?

Kev: bitch... we're all here. You and Jenna are the hardest people to contact.

Casey: probably fuckin.

Me: I have a girlfriend...?

Kev: doesn't mean a thing. Could've had Jenna on her knees 20 minutes ago.

Jenna: Why would I be on my knees?

Casey: oop...

Kev: No idea what you're talking about...

Jenna: I heard what I heard.

Becca:  I agree, I heard it too

Kev: Moving on!

The conversation went on for the entire duration of my ride home. I spoke a couple of times but I was quiet for majority of the call and so was she. Maybe I was going a little overboard and she actually meant well but I can't take the risk of her out maneuvering me. I parked in my driveway and sat for a second, taking in everything that's happened so far. I pulled myself together before exiting my car and walking up to the front door. I entered my humble abode and took a detour to the kitchen to make myself a margarita. Tate shortly joined me, hugging me from behind. "Oouuu, can you make me one?" She questioned. I silently nodded and made her a drink as well. Later that night, we crashed. To be fair, we're both lightweight so it only made sense. I was a bit heavy with the so called shots.

"Baby, come here", I requested. I could hear her footsteps getting closer and closer as my body began to feel like it was melting into the bed. "You couldn't wait?" I heard her respond near my ear. I looked over and saw Jenna instead of Tate. She ran her nails down my body, stopping at the threshold of my boxers. I grew almost immediately for her, I groaned at her teasing me. Shortly after, I felt her mouth cruising up and down my dick with precision. "Oh fuckk", I moaned. My eyes shot open, realizing it was a dream. Well one thing was true, I was getting head but not from Jenna. I sat up slightly, anchoring myself with one hand and grabbing a handful of Tate's hair with the other. I guess you could say my day started out really good and productive already.

"Baby, can you take me to get some supplies for my project?", Tate yelled from downstairs. I confirmed my participation and got dressed for the day, leaving the new group chat messages unopened. Jenna had been added in so I can only imagine how lively the conversation is. I don't want to kill the vibe so, yea.I drove Tate to the store, parked and hopped out to walk in with her. We ventured into the hell of a place, searching for a board and other supplies she needed to present her theory to her class. We walked around for what seemed like hours before we ran into a good friend of hers. As they talked, I decided to check my messages.

Becks 🫶🏽: No, Dev's my baby mama. Fuck Casey. Marry Jenna. Kill Kevin... sorry bud

Kevin: I'm honored ☺️

Casey: okayy... um. Fuck Devyn, marry Becca, baby mama Jenna, kill Kev. 💀 I swear that was hard

Jenna: right, okay 😂 Fuck Casey. Marry Becca, kill Devyn. Easy 😊

Kevin: Oh? K. Fuck Devyn, duh. Marry my slow bitch Casey... kill um. Myself. Baby mama? Becky w/ the hood hairrr 🤪

Becca: Wait... we could do that?

I looked up from my phone just in time to see Tate wave goodbye to her friend. Why the hell would Jenna kill me? That's fucked up.

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