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My phone rang on the nightstand as I got dressed for the day. On a typical day, I'd answer it but the last few weeks have been everything except typical. Tate's still a bit iffy on Jenna so she rushed to see who was calling me. I didn't worry much, Jenna never calls me first. "Why is she calling your phone at the ass crack of dawn?" Tate questioned. I looked at her with as much confusion as I felt. She NEVER calls. "I have no idea...", I responded honestly. She scoffed at me as if I was lying. "You're fucking unbelievable." She said as she answered the phone. "Hey, Jenna. What's up?" She answered. I couldn't hear the other side of the conversation but I assume she'll come up with a good excuse. "Mhm. She's getting ready to go to work soon so we'll probably be available tomorrow." Tate redirected. Great. She's determining my availability now. "Oh, we kinda just go everywhere! Yea... I guess our spot would be the mall since I'm always dragging her there.... you're welcome!" Tate closed. I looked at her with a concerned expression. "What did she want?" I asked with an uninterested tone. "Something about Becca trying to plan another get together today and she asked what our favorite spot was in the area. Nothing major." Tate assured. I nodded in acceptance then kissed her lips before grabbing my phone. "I'll see you later, babe." I said as I walked out. She said it back before I was out the door.

Our favorite spot. I thought about the things she said Jenna asked about. I got in my car and turned it on. That's when it clicked. Becca wants to get together today... she asked for our favorite spot. She wants me to meet her at our spot. I think. I took the chance and turned my phone off to keep Tate from tracking me then made my way there. When I got there, I didn't see her anywhere near the building. I figured I just had beat her there maybe but I still looked around when I walked into the shop. I must be a genius because I was right and she had faith in my intelligence. She knew I'd meet her here. I walked over to the table I seen her sitting at then sat down across from her. "Okay, I'm here after the unexpected cryptic message", I teased. She gave me a fake smile, "just like how I managed to get the message to you even though your girlfriend unexpectedly answered your phone?" She pushed back. Oof. That one stung a little.
I began to offer an apology but she cut me off with the show of her hand. "Business only. That's the only reason I'm here... the only names on paper were Thomas and Reese but I saw an undisclosed person in the file. A buyer, someone you haven't dealt with before. There's good money on the table but I'm telling you right now, do NOT facilitate the deal. Don't show. It's a setup to weaken your organization before they close in on you. They have each location you own on file, you need to figure something out asap." Jenna warned.

I knew I needed to sell those properties and find a new warehouse but fuck I didn't expect it to be this bad. "Okay." I said. She looked at me with a raised eyebrow. "That's it? No backlash or pushback?" She asked. I chuckled and shook my head 'no'. "Thank you, Valdez. You did exactly what you said you would for me", I admitted. She nodded her head. I offered to buy her a cupcake since we were already there, of course she wanted it so I got it for her. She thanked me of course. We walked out together so I walked her to her car, can never be too careful. We chatted for a few minutes about random shit until she finished her cupcake. I even told her how close I am to being completely done with this shit. "Okay, Dev. I'm gonna head home. Be safe out there, okay?" She said as she opened her car door. I smiled, "I will, I promise." I stepped closer to her and placed my hand on her hip. I couldn't help asking if I could kiss her. "This could be the last time, Valdez. Anything can happen out there", I pushed. She was still opposed to it, I know it has to be because of Tate. I let her go, I can't be mad at the fact that she has morals. I accepted her response but I still kissed my fingers then placed them on the window for a second.
Sometimes I feel like Jenna's the love of my life, I should've waited for her. I hopped in my car and head to the warehouse which is a lot longer of a drive than before.

The road was nearly empty, a narrow path to nowhere. I did come up on a few main streets and 4-ways. I stopped at a red light, I'm about 20 minutes from my destination. I saw a blacked out Honda civic pull up next to me but I didn't think anything of it. I noticed the window roll down out of my peripheral, by the time I looked over there was a gun pointed at me. I ducked as soon as I noticed but the fuckers shot up my entire car. I thought they'd get out to finish the job but they sped off. I groaned in pain, struggling to find a way to get help. I used my good arm and any energy I had left to pick up my phone and turn it on. Fucking hell, I shouldn't have turned the bitch off. I immediately held my power button to make it call 911 without me unlocking it. I'm losing a lot of fucking blood, shit. I started to sniffle as tears rolled down my face. "I'm so sorry, Jenna", I cried before they answered. I told the operator I had been shot with the energy I had left then everything went black.

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⏰ Last updated: May 06 ⏰

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