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"What the fuck is the problem? Y'all need me here to baby sit or some shit now?" I announced. Jerry appeared from the shadows, seemingly hurt. "Buddy's gone boss." He dragged. "You never told me what happened, talk to me." I offered. Jerry explained how the accident happened, apparently it wasn't actually Buddy's fault. I was wrong, he went out driving with some sense but a semi truck ran a red light and hit him on the driver's side. Damn. I was wrong. "Tell his family, I'll cover the costs of any thing they decide. Burial, cremation... hell if they wanna go all out and turn him into a tree? I got it. I know he was workin to help pay his parents' mortgage off, I'll pay that in full." I ensured. Jerry's been like a brother to Buddy. They grew up together, they came to me together too. How they found me? Shitting me, I never figured it out but they always had my back. There's no room for weakness in this business so I'm understanding. "Jerry, you're out for as long as you need. Go on vacation and find you a honey or somethin'. Take your daughter out, give her something to remember." I suggested. He shook his head 'no'. I was left utterly confused by his response. "Who's gonna be your right hand boss? I can't go." He fought. I shook my head and placed my hand on his shoulder. "You're a good guy, go enjoy life for a bit. I need you to clear your mind and come back ready to fight. I don't think that semi truck was a coincidence." I sternly instructed. I meant every word.  In the matter of seconds I could hear my gunmen up top flip their lasers on.

I turned around and watched them aim at the intruder walking in. The sun blocked me from being able to see who it truly was. I reached for my gun and asked who they were. "It's me dipshit", the intruder stated. Jenna. I gave my boys the hand signal to stand down then walked towards her with aggravation. "If you're gonna just pop up, at least park around the fucking back", I growled. Soon after my remark, I felt her hand connect with my face like a tennis ball to a racket. Hot and heavy, I felt a stinging sensation that seemed it had the ability to linger for days. She's 2 for 2. "Excuse me?" Jenna exclaimed. I could hear Mike go, "oh shit..." in the back. By now I'm sure everyone was watching. Unbe-fucking-lievable. "Who the hell do you think you're talking to, Devyn?" She spat. There she goes with the government name again, I need to control this situation NOW. I clenched my jaw and closed my eyes as a took a deep breathe then opened them as I exhaled. "Can you please park around the back?" I asked calmly. She smiled and walked away to do as I asked.

This is bullshit, no one has ever challenged me like that before. Tate doesn't even fucking argue with me too often. I turned around and looked at the room full of nosey bastards. "THE FUCK are y'all staring at? WORK." I instructed aggressively. I sighed at the chuckles that followed my direction. My guys respect me but they've never seen a woman put me in check, it's always been me doing the checking. They find this shit to be hilariously entertaining. "You should keep her boss", Mike suggested as he walked up to me. I looked at him with a raised eyebrow. "There's nothin to keep. She ain't my bi- girl. She's not my girl", I clarified. He looked as if he didn't believe me.

"Boss!", someone yelled from afar. I peeked behind Mike and watched as my head of operations came jogging towards us. "Boss, that chick's back there telling Reese how to cook." He warned. My eyebrows furrowed, what the hell is she doing and how the hell did she find the kitchen? I sighed and made my way to the kitchen. Reese. He's been on a downward spiral with performance ever since he started doing his music thing. As soon as I got to the back, I grabbed Jenna by her arm and pulled her away. I walked her to my office in the basement as she talked and tried to convince me she wasn't just here get more information for her case. "Jenna, why are you here?" I asked as I closed the door. She explained how she could stay on the case and protect me at the same time but it doesn't make any sense. "Why would you do that? They already think you're my bitch, I don't need protection." I slicked. I may have accidentally triggered a side of Jenna that I've never seen or thought existed. She lashed out at me, blatantly yelling about how reckless my operation is and how my product is mid at best. "I'd NEVER be your bitch! I'll tell them my fucking self if I have to. You're piece of shit, you lie to everyone around you and paint this goody two shoes perfect life for everyone to believe. A FUCKING FACADE. Deal's off the table, I wouldn't protect you if my life depended on it. I'm not a snitch but you're already close to being found out, have fucking fun running." She spat before she stormed off. The only part that made me feel some type of way was how she said she'd never be my bitch. I don't want her to be my bitch but I always wanted to marry her. Give her the life she deserves. We've known each other for years, I know everything she's gone though in life.

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