Dear Old Devyn

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I woke up to my phone ringing and Tate not in bed anymore. I picked up my phone and answered groggily, "hello?" To my surprise it was Tate. She had called to let me know her and Becca went out to get groceries since they were the only two up. I half consciously accepted it then let my head fall back into the pillow. Goddamn, why are Becca's beds and pillows always so much more comfy than my own? I heard a phone ring from my pants that were on the ground so I got up to see what the need for communication was about. Reese. A knucklehead times 2. "Talk to me." I answered. "Hey, so uh there was a little problem with the shipment. Buddy got into a wreck, enforcement showed up and you know how that go..." The words coming from his mouth nearly cooked my fucking brain. I swear to god's green earth, these bozos can't do shit right.

I put my pants back on and walked out of the room, making my way to the backyard so no one could hear what I was saying. "Listen you nitwit, FIX IT. I told you limp dick FUCKS not to send Buddy out there. I told you he wasn't fucking ready, he's reckless as shit." I fussed. I may not have the most legitimate business but it's still just that. A fucking business. "Aight but can you come down here? We need some help boss." Reese asked. I sighed, wrong fucking time for this shit show. "I'll let you know and stop playing with my money, Reese. We got big moves coming up, we can't be fumbling like this." I hung up and stood in silence for a moment before deciding to sit at the edge of the pool. I hate when my underground life tries to mix in with my presentable life. I have no way of getting to Chapsburg to help with shit.

"Hey, you okay?", I heard Jenna ask from behind me. I tried to cheer up and act as normal as possible. "Yea! I'm great, slept great, waiting to eat a good breakfast from what I was told." I insisted. "Mhm." She responded, finding herself a spot right next to me. "I heard you yelling, why? What happened?" She pried. I looked at her, wanting to tell her everything but knowing I can't say anything. "Nothing, Valdez", I sighed. She nodded, accepting my answer then stood up. "Well if Becca gets back before me, let her know I'm in Chapsburg. I have a couple of cases to follow up on." She mentioned. A lightbulb went off in my head. "Hey, wait! Can you drop me off somewhere then pick me up on your way back?" I asked. "I'm not taking you to cheat am I?" Jenna asked, genuinely curious. I laughed, "no way. I have to check on a couple things at work." I ensured.

When we finally pulled up, I quickly hopped out and told her she could go on her way. I watched her pull off then I walked inside of the "abandoned" warehouse. I headed straight to the back of my operation, hoping to find Reese cookin' or something better. I walked in to this stupid fuck watching tik toks. I growled at him, "MIX SOME SHIT UP! You fuckin' BOZO." He jumped at the sudden presence of my voice. I shook my head and sighed. "Reese, you slackin man. You want out?" I asked genuinely. "No sir!... ma'am- no boss" he confirmed. "Then fuckin act like it, I'll let you go if you tired of making money." I toyed before walking back to the front. "Ayo, Mike. I need you to take over that route Buddy just fucked up on. I need them drops out the way asap." I requested. Mike's a good runner, he's been down since I got him off the streets. Took the crack pipe out his hand and replaced that shit with bands. He's been loyal since then, never a problem with him. "Got it. When we supposed to up the product?" He asked. I glared at him for a moment, I know I said it's never any problems but I'm still skeptical sometimes. "No date yet." I responded. "Jerry, please tell me what the hell is going on with Buddy bitch ass." I asked with a chuckle. "Boss... there's a- Who is that?" Jerry pointed. I turned around to see what he was talking about.

I watched Jenna walk in, looking around but I didn't acknowledge her. I can't put the people I care about at risk. Mike whistled out signal for 'defense'. Usually it insinuates another crew, gang, or organization is moving in on us but that's not the case this time. I watched Jerry and Mike walk in her direction, I wouldn't let anything bad happen to her ever but she hasn't recognized me yet. "You lost miss?" I heard Mike ask. "Where's Devyn?" I heard Jenna get straight to the point. "Bitch, who are you?" Jerry responded. I grimaced at the way he spoke to her. I walked towards the semi circle that had formed in front of her. As I made my way there, I watched my crew spread like roaches. I watched them all walk back or run, sorry pieces of shit. Jenna had been flashing her badge. I already know who the snitches in this lot are gonna be so a revamp is needed for sure. "EVERYBODY back to work!" I instructed before motioning for Jenna to follow me to a more private area. "What the hell are you doing here, Devyn?" She inquired. I chuckled, "just thinking about buying the place as an investment." Jenna looked at me with nothing but disappointment. "You need to shut this shit down. I don't want you doing it", she demanded. I laughed at her comment. "What are you doing here anyway, what happened to your cases." I asked, changing the subject.  She looked me dead in my face, piercing my soul without words. "Get your SHIT together. I'm not fucking around with you Devyn." She asserted. "You ARE the fucking case, dumb ass." Jenna indulged, pressing her finger on my chest and applying enough force to walk be backwards into a wall. "Listen, I don't even know what you're talking about." I countered, moving her hand away from my chest and walking away from her before she could respond. She scoffed and followed after me like a lost damn puppy. I gave my guys some further direction to keep shit smooth until I return later today and walked out with Jenna.

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