The Biggest Adventure Yet

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~Mushroom Kingdom~

Jeremy: So, this is what the Mushroom Kingdom really looks like.

Jolene: It looks much... bigger, compared to what we saw in the games.

Mario: Can't be a kingdom if it isn't this big.

*A couple of Toadstools collect some coins, only for one of them to roll away*

Luigi: I got it! *Grabs it and gives it back* Here you go.

Toadstool: Thank you.

Mario: *Looking around* Let's see. It should be... *Spots a platform with arrows pointing up* Ah. Here we are. *He and the others step on*

SpongeBob: So, what's this for?

Luigi: It's an elevator of sorts. Watch.

*The platform goes up*

Tony: *Laughing* This is gonna be fun!

~Upper Level~

*The team disembarks the platform, runs onto another one, and jumps onto a third*

Jeremy: *Panicked breathing*

*The platform stops and they disembark*

Mario: *Brings everyone to a bridge of floating blocks* Okay. Tread carefully on this one.

*They do so... with Jeremy looking down below*

~Pipe Entrances~

Luigi: Just pop into his pipe and we're on our way to the castle.

Mario: It's the only way to fly. *Hops in and travels through the pipe* Yahoo!

Luigi: It took us some time to travel through them without... smacking ourselves against the walls, but you'll get used to it before you even know it. *Hops in and travels through the pipe* Haha!

Jeremy: Okay. Let's try this again. 3... 2... 1...

Patrick: Go! *Shoves everyone into the pipes*

Steven: Wait! Patrick!

*They all go flying through the pipe*

~Different Spot~

*They all emerge*

Mario: Okay. Now, the trickiest part of the journey: Finding the pipe that directly leads to the castle.

Jeremy: *Approaches a pipe* Let's try this one. *Enters... but emerges back at the start* Nope.

SpongeBob: *Approaches a pipe* Maybe, it's this one. *Enters... but emerges back at the start* Negative.

Jolene: *Approaches a pipe* This one? *Enters... but emerges back at the start* Nada.

Sandy: *Approaches a pipe* Let's try this one. *Enters... but emerges back at the start* Negatory.

Mario: Well, to be brutally honest, this is the one part of the highway that we still have trouble with.

Tony: Where's a good place to get an Item Block when you need one?


~Toadstool Castle~

*A familiar figure paces around, waiting for the Mario Brothers to return*

Toadstool 2: *Approaches her* Are you okay, Princess Peach?

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